

"Protected by the Shadow of the Moon, I am the Soldier who is one with the Darkness... Sailornemesis!"

Name: Tsuki Kurai

Definition: Dark Moon

Age: 15

Birthday: July 3

Sign: Cancer

Ruling Planet: Nemesis

Bloodtype: AB

Hair: Shoulder length black

Eyes: Silver

Hobbies: Dance

Likes: The night, poetry, time to herself

Dislikes: Hikaru, Koeta, daytime

Strength: Dedication

Weakness: Emotionless

A little bit about her: Kurai despises Koeta, and in turn Hikaru... And she doesn't feel that pleasantly about Usagi either. As Sailornemesis, she is cold and quiet, dedicated to her job...

Fuku: Her fuku is mainly grey, with black bows. Her brooch is circular, and grey, as is her tiara gem. Her shoes are grey high heels with black laces.

Henshin: Nemesis Star Power, Make Up-She holds her hand up, and her fingernails glow grey as her henshin wand appears and spins. She then catches it, as the symbol of Nemesis spirals outwards. She is then glowing grey, as black energy dances down across her body, leaving her transformed.

Powers: Dark Illusion-A simple illusion is created, though it can be much stronger depending on how much energy she puts into it.

Black Flame-Her enemy is engulfed in black flames, and slowly, painfully, drained of their energy.

{Sailorsun | Sailorchibisun | Warriorsun | Sailorearth | Sailornemesis | Sailorerebus | Sailoraurora}