
Name: Asa Meiyo

Definition: Honorable Dawn

Age: 16

Birthday: August 7

Sign: Leo

Ruling Planet: The Sun

Bloodtype: A

Hair: Short gold blond

Eyes: Dark blue

Hobbies: Writing, sports

Likes: Hikaru

Dislikes: Those who hurt Hikaru or Hikatte

Strength: Honor

Weakness: Shortsighted when Hikaru is in danger

A little bit about her: Meiyo was Hikatte's first victim... In other words, the first to fall prey to her Apollo Locket. Now, he views her as his niece, who has come to visit for an indefinite amount of time. Meiyo cares about Hikaru a great deal, but he doesn't know how she feels. Afraid that she will reject him, he won't tell her at all.

Uniform: Pale golden armor, with silver trim, and a black cloak with a dark blue underneath.

Henshin: Sun Cosmic Power, Transform

Powers: Sun Blade-This supercharges his sword, the Sun Blade, enabling it to emit a wave of destructive gold energy.

Sun Beam-This flash of light stuns his enemy.

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