

"The Tranquil Planet of death is my Guardian diety. The lonely senshi of Death, Sailorerebus..."/"Seishi no hoshi Shiohsei o shugo ni motsu. Sabishii no shi no senshi, Sailorerebus..."

Name: Shioh Nayami

Definition: Tragic Death Ruler

Age: 15

Birthday: October 31

Sign: Scorpio

Ruling Planet: Erebus

Bloodtype: O

Hair: Shin length silver

Eyes: Purple

Hobbies: Playing the flute

Likes: Quiet, being alone

Dislikes: People

Strength: Emotionless

Weakness: Fear of commitment... To anything

A little bit about her: Nayami is a quiet, tormented soul, who yearns to be accepted... But is afraid of that commitment. As Sailorerebus, she is detatched, and goes about her duties without a shred of mercy.

Fuku: Her fuku is mainly black, with purple bows. Her brooch is circular, and black, as is her tiara gem. Her shoes are black thigh high high heel boots.

Henshin: Erebus Star Power, Make Up-She holds her hand up, and her fingernails glow black as her henshin wand appears and spins. She then catches it, as the symbol of Erebus(A Half circle with a full circle above it) spirals outwards. She is then glowing black, as purple mishapen shadows swirl down around her, leaving her transformed.

Items: Death Scythe

Powers: Darkness Reborn-She holds her scythe up, and spins it around, creating a black vortex which swallows the opponent... Leaving nothing behind.

Death Sonata-She strikes the scythe into the ground, causing a pillr of black flame to shoot up around the enemy.

She uses the scythe in hand to hand to combat.

*Following with the Outer Planet Names(Kaiohsei, Tennohsei, and Meiohsei, Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto) I have given the furthest planet a similar name, Shiohsei, which is seen in Nayami's last name, Shioh.

{Sailorsun | Sailorchibisun | Warriorsun | Sailorearth | Sailornemesis | Sailorerebus | Sailoraurora}