Visitors: please tell the advertisers you saw them at Hovea Music. They need to know!
RTR FM Radio: Difficult Listening. New and interesting music presented by Bryce Moore on RTR FM 92.1 radio 9pm-11pm Sundays. See http://anythink.ii.net/difflist or http://rtrfm.ii.net , Perth, WA 6000. [As at ].
On NOW. Finishes 13 July 2000. UWA Extension: Decadence and Discovery: Late Romantic Music. Enter the twilight zone and learn to appreciate from a new angle some of the works of Mahler, Debussy, Richard Strauss, Stravinsky and Bartok. Thursdays 7-9pm June 22, 29, July 6, 13. Cost is $87 (DSS cardholders $49). Contact University of WA Extension on 08 9380 2433 (fax 9380 1066). See http://www.extension.uwa.edu.au UWA, Nedlands, WA 6009. [As at 15/05/00].
On NOW. Finishes 26 July 2000. UWA Extension: The Genius of Mozart. The life, times and music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, by long-time music enthusiast Bob Nussbaum. Classes include discussions of his education, stylistic mannerisms, and his influence on other composers, plus many recordings. Wednesdays 7-9pm June 21, 28, July 5, 12, 19, 26. Cost is $99 (DSS cardholders $49). Contact University of WA Extension on 08 9380 2433 (fax 9380 1066). See http://www.extension.uwa.edu.au UWA, Nedlands, WA 6009. [As at 15/05/00].
On NOW. Finishes 31 August 2000. Exhibition--Strike a chord: WA Music Spanning the Decades. A new exhibition highlighting big and small moments from WA's rich and varied musical history. An array of items ranging from Bon Scott's early LP with the Valentines to sheet music by New Norcian monk, Dom Moreno. Nostalgia featuring Rolf Harris, Dave Warner, Jebediah, and Gregory Yurisich, to name a few. Tapes, albums, photos, stories etc. See http://www.liswa.wa.gov.au. The Centre for the Book, ground floor, Alexander Library, Perth Cultural Centre, Perth, WA 6000. [As at 14/05/00].
Perth International Arts Festival. http://www.perthfestival.com.au Full information on-line about the first day, music, theatre, spectacle, dance, visual arts, film festivals, writers' festivals and free events. A drop-down menu readily allows you to search for information on individual events. WA 6000. [As at ].
7.30pm Friday, 28 July 2000 MPAS Concert at Mundaring Weir Hotel. Join us with friends in the historic Duchess Room for an evening of quality entertainment provided by local performers: The Hills Choir; Perth College String Quartet; Alan Davies (tenor); Rosie Bogle (cello); Jim Rhoads (baritone); Bridie and Marcus Roberts (flute and guitar); Young Performer: Charlotte Hunter (violin, accompanied by Emma Hunter); concert accompanist: Jacinta Jakovcevic. Tickets $10 / $5 (conc/members). Counter meals are available before the concert and drinks and coffee can be purchased at interval. See http://www.perthhills.com. Mundaring Weir Hotel, Mundaring, WA 6073. [As at 24/06/00].
8.00pm Thursday, 13 July 2000 John Williams: Australian Guitar Tour. Don't miss this opportunity to see one of the most influential guitarists of the 20th century in his first national solo recital tour in 12 years. Programme includes music by Vivaldi, Scarlatti, Albeniz, Brouwer, Barrios and Domeniconi. Bookings at BOCS 08 9484 1133 Perth Concert Hall, Perth, WA 6000. [As at 20/05/00].
Saturday, 15 July 2000 Bananas in Pyjamas: Live in Concert. Get up and Dance! Bookings BOCS: 08 9484 1133. Burswood Theatre, Great Eastern Highway, Burswood, WA 6100. [As at 24/07/00].
Tuesday to Saturday, 11 to 15 July, 2000 PICA: Putting on an act. The Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts' annual perfomance. A festival with dancers, actors and musicians. For details phone 08 9227 6144. PICA, Perth Cultural Centre, James Street, Northbridge, WA 6003. [As at ].
8.00pm Saturday, 15 July 2000 WAYO: Symphonic Pops. Enjoy a great night out as the WA Youth Orchestra swings to the beat of music from the movies and great tunes made popular by the likes of Frank Sinatra. The concert supports teh WAYO's forthcoming tour to Europe. Conducter by Peter Moore. Bookings: phone WAYO on 08 9421 1566 or email wayo@iinet.net.au. Perth Concert Hall, 5 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000. [As at 29/04/00].
2.00pm Sunday, 16 July 2000 Theatre Organ Society: John Ferguson at the Compton Pipe Organ. Tickets: $12, or $10 each for a group of six. A two-hour programme with refreshments provided at interval. For more infor contact TOSA on 08 9450 2151 or 9276 6668. John Leckie Music Centre, Claremont end of Melvista Avenue, Nedlands, WA 6009. [As at 01/07/00].
8.00pm Wednesday, 19 July 2000 Piano Competition Winner at Perth Concert Hall. Live and in concert. A unique opportunity to hear one of the world's greatest pianists perform works drawn from the masters ... such as Beethoven, Schubert, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Chopin, Liszt, Debussy, Haydn. This concert gives Perth audiences the opportunity to enjoy a prize-winning performance just days after the winner is announced on 15th of July in the Sydney Opera House. Tickets available at BOCS on 08 9484 1133. $25, $19 (conc. ie pensioners, seniors, unemployed), $12 (students). Perth Concert Hall, 5 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000. [As at 01/07/00].
8.00pm Friday, 21 July 2000 WASO: The Classical Mystery Tour. The internationally acclaimed BEATLES tribute band "The Beatals" with the WASO conducted by Tommy Tycho. And the largest Beatles memorabilia display ever seen in Australia. See http://www.waso.com.au. For more info call the West Australian Symphony Orchestra on 08 9236 0000. Tickets: $69.50 to $ 54.50 available at BOCS 08 9484 1133 Burswood Theatre, Great Eastern Highway, Burswood, WA 6100. [As at 01/07/00].
8.00pm Saturday, 22 July 2000 WASO: From Russia with Love. Conductor: Vladimir Verbitsky; Piano: Denis Matsuyev. Mussorgsky: Night on Bald Mountain, arr. Rimsky-Korsakov; Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No. 1; Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No. 3. See http://www.waso.com.au. For more info and bookings call the West Australian Symphony Orchestra on 08 9236 0000. Tickets also available at BOCS 08 9484 1133 Perth Concert Hall, 5 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000. [As at 01/07/00].
3.00pm Sunday, 23 July 2000 Australian Piano Quartet: Concert Hall 2. MOZART Oboe Quartet K370; MAHLER / SCHNITTKE Piano Quartet; EDWARDS Emerald Crossing for Piano Quartet; SCHUMANN Piano Quartet in E flat Op 47. Featured guest: Joel Marangella (WASO oboist). Join the quartet for a FREE glass of Lamont's wine at interval. Ph 08 9370 1574, Fax 08 9371 8974, or ring BOCS: 08 9484 1133. Single tickets: $25; concession: $19 (Aherns cardholders, pensioners and seniors); students: $10. $8 student rush half an hour before the concert. See also web site of pianist Roger Smalley. Perth Concert Hall, 5 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000. [As at 20/06/00].
8.00pm Friday, 28 July 2000 Giovanni Consort: Celestial Harmonies: Music by 20th Century Masters. Conductor: David Gething, Organist: Simon Lawford. Durufle: Requiem; Tavener: Song for Athene; Britten: Rejoice in the Lamb; Gorecki: Totus Tuus; Part: Summa. Tickets $20 / $15, available from the Consort on 08 9389 6081 or at the door. Early booking is advised. St Patrick's Basilica, 45 Adelaide Street, Fremantle, WA 6160. [As at 020/06/00].
5.00pm Saturday, 29 July 2000 Ensemble Arcangelo: Music in the English Pleasure Gardens. Guest soloist: Rachel Greig. A musical stroll through the Vauxhall Gardens of 18th century London. Includes works by Thomas Arne, J C Bach, and Friedrich Abel. Number two in a series of four concerts collectively titled "Music: The Looking-glass". Ticket to one concert: $20 ($15 concession). Booking information: 08 9380 7985. Chapel of St Michael the Archangel, Catholic Education Centre, 50 Ruislip Street, Leederville, WA 6007. [As at 01/07/00].
8.00pm Friday & Saturday, 28 & 29 July 2000 WASO: Masters Concert 5. See http://www.waso.com.au. For more info and bookings call the West Australian Symphony Orchestra on 08 9236 0000. Tickets also available at BOCS 08 9484 1133 Perth Concert Hall, 5 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000. [As at 01/07/00].
8.00pm Sunday, 30 July 2000 Bryn Terfel at Perth Concert Hall. This famous Welsh bass-baritone will give only one concert in Perth this year. Tickets available at BOCS 08 9484 1133. Perth Concert Hall, 5 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000. [As at 01/07/00].
Joondalup Eisteddfod. Closing Date for Entries: Wednesday 31 May. (No Late Entries). Co-ordinator: Mrs Alison Major. Ph. 08 9447 0475. Music, Speech, Drama competition. See http://www.eisteddfod.joondalup.wa.gov.au. Joondalup, WA 6919. [As at 01/05/00].
Saturday, 5 August 2000 Broome: Opera Under the Stars. The 8th Annual Opera Under the Stars will feature the renowned US baritone Andrew Schroeder, Australian soprano Tiffany Speight (from Opera Australia) and mezzo-soprano Daniella Erhlich. At the grand piano will be the Opera Australia conductor, Simon Kenway. For opera lovers from Perth a three-night package to the show with return air fares and twin-share accommodation at the Moonlight Bay Resort near the venue is available from Integrated Toursim Services for $898 (phone 08 9381 9644). Performance venue: tropical gardens of the Mangrove Hotel, Broome, WA 6725. [As at 30/05/00].
8.00pm Friday & Saturday, 4 & 5 August 2000 WASO: Great Classics Concert 5. Conductor: Christopher Hogwood; Piano: Robert Levin. MacCunn: The Land of the Mountain and the Flood - Overture; Mozart: Piano Concerto No. 25 in C, K 503; Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 3 (Scottish). See http://www.waso.com.au. For more info and bookings call the West Australian Symphony Orchestra on 08 9236 0000. Tickets also available at BOCS 08 9484 1133 Perth Concert Hall, 5 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000. [As at 01/07/00].
Monday, 7 August to Friday, 11 August 2000 UWA New Music Week. Concerts, masterclasses, lectures and workshops. The University of WA's School of Music presents the annual New Music Week with Andrew Ford as featured Composer-in-Residence. Performers include the WASO New Music Ensemble, Tetrafide Percussion, Magnetic Pig and visiting violist Patricia Pollett. Enquiries: 08 9380 2054. Nedlands, WA 6009. [As at 01/05/00].
2.00pm Sunday, 13 August 2000 WASO: Sunday in the City. See http://www.waso.com.au. For more info and bookings call the West Australian Symphony Orchestra on 08 9236 0000. Tickets also available at BOCS 08 9484 1133 Perth Concert Hall, 5 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000. [As at 01/07/00].
2.30pm Sunday, 13 August 2000 Royal Schools' Music Club: Vocal Tuition Award. Royal Overseas League Award for 2000. Value of award is $400. Eligibility: singers aged from 15 years up to 21 as at 1st September 2000. Entrants are to present a programme including works from 17th and 18th centuries; 19th century romantic; 20th century. Programme must include an aria. (Closing date for entries is 31st July.) Enquiries and entries: Mr John Barton, PO Box 204, Floreat Forum WA 6014. Ph 08 9341 2891 or 9341 2736. Email: bartjohn@iinet.net.au. Callaway Music Auditorium (School of Music), Uni of WA, Nedlands, WA 6009. [As at 06/07/00].
3.00pm Sunday, 13 August 2000 Australian Piano Quartet: Notre Dame 3. KERRY Piano Quartet No. 2 (premiere); COPLAND Piano Quartet; DVORAK Piano Quartet in E flat Op 87. Ph 08 9370 1574, Fax 08 9371 8974, or ring BOCS: 08 9484 1133. Single tickets: $25 (concession: $19; students: $10). See also web site of pianist Roger Smalley. Notre Dame University, Fremantle, WA 6160. [As at 14/04/00].
8.00pm Sunday, 13 August 2000 Piano Recital Series 2000: Keyed Up! - Robert Levin. Levin has performed throuhgout the USA, Europe, Austalia and Asia, in recital, as a soloist, and in chamber concerts. Programme: Bach: Six Preludes and Fugues from Book II of the Well-Tempered Clavier; Brahms: Eight Piano Pieces, Op 76; Yehudi Wyner: Toward the Center (1988); Franck: Prelude, Chorale, and Fugue. Ph Patricia Thorpe 08 9386 4767, or Concerts Administrator 08 9380 2054 (fax 08 9380 1076). $25.30 ($19.80 conc), Chq, B/c, M/c, Visa. Octagon Theatre, Uni of WA, Nedlands, WA 6009. [As at 01/02/00].
9:30pm Sunday, 13 August 2000 ABC FM Radio: Australian Sonatas. Programme 2 of 4. Vernon Lisle: Piano Sonata No. 2 (Joan Chartres Lisle, piano); Dorian Le Gallienne: Sonata for Violin and Piano (Andrew Lorenz, v; Wendy Lorenz, p); Stephen Benfall: Sonata for Oboe and Piano (Nigel Shore, ob; Philip Mayers, p); Peter Sculthorpe: Sonata for Strings No. 1 (Australian Chamber Orch / Richard Tognetti). [As at 26/07/00].
Wednesday, 18 August 2000 Musica Viva: World's Greatest String Quartet: Quatuor Mosaiques. Tickets available at BOCS 08 9484 1133. Perth Concert Hall, 5 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000. [As at 1/7/00].
8.00pm Friday & Saturday, 18 & 19 August 2000 WASO: Masters Concert 6. See http://www.waso.com.au. For more info and bookings call the West Australian Symphony Orchestra on 08 9236 0000. Tickets also available at BOCS 08 9484 1133 Perth Concert Hall, 5 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000. [As at 01/07/00].
5.00pm Sunday, 20 August 2000 Ensemble Arcangelo: Anthony Chesterman: Baroque oboe. "To see the French hautboys charm the listening pit..." Guest oboist Anthony Chesterman is from the Australian Chamber Orchestra. Be charmed by the warm tones of the baroque oboe in a programme that will include Bach's Concerto for Violin and Oboe. Number three in a series of four concerts collectively titled "Music: The Looking-glass". Ticket to one concert: $20 ($15 concession). Booking information: 08 9380 7985. Chapel of St Michael the Archangel, Catholic Education Centre, 50 Ruislip Street, Leederville, WA 6007. [As at 01/07/00].
Wednesday, 23 August 2000 Musica Viva: Australian Virtuosi: Keyboard Festival Event. Tickets available at BOCS 08 9484 1133. Perth Concert Hall, 5 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000. [As at 1/7/00].
7.30pm Thursday, 31 August to Saturday, 9 September 2000 WA Opera Co: Orlando (Handel). A baroque masterpiece with a passionate and provocative story. Conductor: Graham Abbott; Lighting: Mark Howett; Orlando: Christopher Josey; Zoroastro: Andrew Foote; Dorinda: Amanda Colliver; Angelica: Sara Macliver; Medoro: Tobias Cole. Directed & translated by Lindy Hume. 31 August & 2, 5, 9 September 2000. Tickets start at $25, available through BOCS: 08 9484 1133. His Majesty's Theatre, Hay Street, PERTH, WA 6000. [As at 14/04/00].
11.00am Thursday, 14 September 2000 WASO: Morning Symphony 3. See http://www.waso.com.au. For more info and bookings call the West Australian Symphony Orchestra on 08 9236 0000. Tickets also available at BOCS 08 9484 1133 Perth Concert Hall, 5 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000. [As at 01/07/00].
8.00pm Friday & Saturday, 15 & 16 September 2000 WASO: Great Classics Concert 6. Conductor: Andras Ligeti; Violin: Jane Peters. R. Strauss: Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks; Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto in E minor; Beethoven: Symphony No. 3 (Eroica). See http://www.waso.com.au. For more info and bookings call the West Australian Symphony Orchestra on 08 9236 0000. Tickets also available at BOCS 08 9484 1133 Perth Concert Hall, 5 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000. [As at 01/07/00].
Tuesday, 19 September 2000 Andrea Bocelli in Concert. Tickets $85 to $400: BOCS 08 9484 1133, 1800 193 300. Burswood Theatre, Great Eastern Highway, Burswood, WA 6100. [As at 01/05/00].
7.30pm Tuesday, 26 September 2000 Ensemble Arcangelo: Academies of 17th century Italy. Musica Secreta: A musical journey to the Academies of 17th century Italy with guest soloist Carys Anne Lane (UK). Number four in a series of four concerts collectively titled "Music: The Looking-glass". Ticket to one concert: $20 ($15 concession). Booking information: 08 9380 7985. Chapel of St Michael the Archangel, Catholic Education Centre, 50 Ruislip Street, Leederville, WA 6007. [As at 15/06/00].
8.00pm Friday & Saturday, 29 & 30 September 2000 WASO: Masters Concert 7. See http://www.waso.com.au. For more info and bookings call the West Australian Symphony Orchestra on 08 9236 0000. Tickets also available at BOCS 08 9484 1133 Perth Concert Hall, 5 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000. [As at 01/07/00].
Wednesday, 4 October 2000 Australian Chamber Orchestra: Slava Grigoryan. Tickets available at BOCS 08 9484 1133. Perth Concert Hall, 5 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000. [As at ].
7.30pm Friday & Saturday, 6 & 7 October 2000 WASO: Classic Pops 3: Spaghetti Opera. See http://www.waso.com.au. For more info and bookings call the West Australian Symphony Orchestra on 08 9236 0000. Tickets also available at BOCS 08 9484 1133 Perth Concert Hall, 5 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000. [As at 01/07/00].
7.30pm Saturday, 11 November 2000 WASO: The Magic of Mozart. Conductor: Robert Casteels; Soprano: Emma Matthews. Programme to include: Mozart: Symphony No. 38; Vocal and orchestral highlights from Mozart's Prague operas. See http://www.waso.com.au. For more info and bookings call the West Australian Symphony Orchestra on 08 9236 0000. Tickets also available at BOCS 08 9484 1133 Perth Concert Hall, 5 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000. [As at 01/07/00].
8.00pm Saturday, 14 October 2000 WASO: New Music Fusion. Conductor: Paul Stanhope; Clarinet: Paul Dean. Westlake: Machinehead; Brett Dean: Ariel's Music - for clarinet and orchestra; Kats-Chernin: Cadences, Deviations and Scarlatti; Banks: Nexus. See http://www.waso.com.au. For more info and bookings call the West Australian Symphony Orchestra on 08 9236 0000. Tickets also available at BOCS 08 9484 1133 Perth Concert Hall, 5 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000. [As at 01/07/00].
3.00pm Sunday, 15 October 2000 Australian Piano Quartet: Concert Hall 3. Australian Piano Quartet: Concert Hall 3. KERRY Piano Quartet No. 2; MOZART Kegelstatt Trio K498; BRAHMS Piano Quartet in A Op 26. Featured guest: Allan Meyer, WASO clarinetist. Ph 08 9370 1574, Fax 08 9371 8974, or ring BOCS: 08 9484 1133. Single tickets: $25 (concession: $19; students: $10). See also web site of pianist Roger Smalley. Perth Concert Hall, St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000. [As at 14/04/00].
8.00pm Friday & Saturday, 20 & 21 October 2000 WASO: Great Classics Concert 7. Conductor: Tuomas Ollila; Piano: Philippe Bianconi; Satie: Trois Gymnopedies; Ravel: Piano Concerto in G; Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique. See http://www.waso.com.au. For more info and bookings call the West Australian Symphony Orchestra on 08 9236 0000. Tickets also available at BOCS 08 9484 1133 Perth Concert Hall, 5 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000. [As at 01/07/00].
8.00pm Friday & Saturday, 3 & 4 November 2000 WASO: Masters Concert 8. See http://www.waso.com.au. For more info and bookings call the West Australian Symphony Orchestra on 08 9236 0000. Tickets also available at BOCS 08 9484 1133 Perth Concert Hall, 5 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000. [As at 01/07/00].
2.00pm Sunday, 12 November 2000 WASO: Sunday in the City. See http://www.waso.com.au. For more info and bookings call the West Australian Symphony Orchestra on 08 9236 0000. Tickets also available at BOCS 08 9484 1133 Perth Concert Hall, 5 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000. [As at 01/07/00].
Wednesday, 15 November 2000 Australian Chamber Orchestra: Imogen Cooper. Tickets available at BOCS 08 9484 1133. Perth Concert Hall, 5 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000. [As at ].
Thursday, 30 November 2000 Musica Viva: A Russian Triptych: Shostakovich String Quartet. Tickets available at BOCS 08 9484 1133. Perth Concert Hall, 5 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000. [As at 1/7/00].
Fridays & Saturdays, 4, 5, 11 & 12 August 2000 Newman College: The Wizard of Oz. A full student production of the famous musical, produced by students of Newman College. Book by L Frank Baum, music and lyrics by Harold Arlen and E Y Harburg. $15 adults, $10 students / concession, $40 family of 2 adults and 2 children. Tickets available at front office at either school campus. Show at Octagon Theatre, Uni of WA, Nedlands, WA 6009. [As at 30/06/00].