Faculty Files
Inside awaits a list of
our current teachers and the rest of the school faculty. These are the people who make the
running of the school possible so let's get a look at them shall we?
well... until the annual
issue of the Chronicle is released, this is the best place to get up to date on current
Join our online community and get informed every time we update
our information!
These are a few of the awards that this web
site has won.
A lot of trouble has gone into creating this web page. The entire site has been created
and is maintained by Prateek Sureka. The webmaster would also like to thank Chintan
Jhunjhunwala for his advice in the creation of the web page. The webmaster would also like
to thank Nilesh Iyer and Anirban Sen for their eternal support. Finally, the webmaster
would like to honor the webmaster of the Interact Club official page for the competition
he provided and compliments and congratulates him on his success on achieving official
status of the Interact Club Web Page.