Alumni Zone
take a look at this list of alumni. If
you have registered, your name could be here and what's more? you could probably find your
old buddies here... Go ahead take a peek!
Martinian Melee
Well, here is the database of
Martinians. Register and see your name up on the page. Meet new people and find the email
address of your best friend.
Well, here is the database of
Martinians. Register and see your name up on the page. Meet new people and find the email
address of your best friend.

netizen! You have reached the registration page. This is the one stop point to get
yourself up on the WWW for all fellow Martinians and ex-Martinians to see. The entire
process is very simple. Check out the instructions given below.

Use the following form to send an email to the webmaster
requesting registration. Simply fill in the values as required. Before filling in the
values however, please ensure that your browser is configured for sending e-mail directly.
In case it is not configured, you can also send a simple email message manually in the required format.
Under the "Subject" field, enter "Alumni"
or "Martinian" as applicable.
the "Comments" field, enter your comments as you would like
them to appear on the page.
Please keep in mind that the comments will be entered on the page so please limit them to
not more than 30 words.

Simply copy the following text on to your
mail message and fill in the fields. Substitute the values in parentheses with those of
your own
Name: (Prateek Sureka)
Year of Graduation or Class: (1998 or 11C1)
Email: (
Subject: (Alumni or Martinian)
Comments: (not more than 30 words)
Mail the message to
If you have any queries please mail us. We
will be glad to hear from you. |
