This place has the actual info about
the school. News, reviews and all that stuff. Is it what you are really looking for? I
certainly think so!
Site Map
One of the most useful pages around.
Use this page to effortlessly navigate this web site. It's got links to every single page!
Credits Hey..
it's only fair I put a link to this section. Get a look at those people who made this web
page possible. Awesome isn't it? Just joking.

to Virtuosity. This is the coolest section of the site. Go check out the panoramic 3D
views of the Round Chapel or travel through space in our very own Solar System. Check out
the system requirements before you go ahead though. Some of these babies are pretty taxing
on your hardware. If your browser does not support VRML, you can download the latest
version of Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator or alternatively download a plug-in

Solar System |

Round Chapel |

- This is our first try at VRML or Virtual Reality Modeling
Minimum System Requirements :
100Mhz Pentium Processor
1MB VRAM Graphics Card
14" Colour Monitor
A VRML Capable Browser
This is a description of the Virtual World you are about to see.
It is a model of the Solar System. The planets are placed in the correct order but the
scale is incorrect.
Here are the colours of the different planets:
Sun: Yellow
Mercury: Red
Venus: White
Earth: Cloud Texture
Mars: Rust
Jupiter: Mauve
Saturn: Pale Brown
Uranus: Bluish White
Neptune: Bluish Green
Pluto: Blue
- These colour codes have been provided so that you can
identify the planets correctly. The planet sizes are approximately and relatively correct.

This is a description of the Virtual World you
are about to see.
We're afraid the model is not 100% accurate but provided you have a fast connection and
computer, you will still have your mind blown! You see this model was created using the
works... Pentium II 266Mhz, 32MB SDRAM, 2MB SGRAM AGP Graphics Card.
A WARNING: This world is very detailed and thus heavy on hardware. The performance even on
the above system was nothing near spectacular.
System Requirements :
166Mhz Pentium MMX Processor
2MB VRAM Graphics Card
14" Colour Monitor
A VRML Capable Browser
A huge swap file (permanent 32MB)
