
"I shall pass through this world but once.
Any good, therefore, that I can show to any human being,
let me do it now.
Let me not defer nor neglect it,
for I shall not pass this way again."

- Stephen Grellet -

AWARENESS, education, and accessible information helps one and all.
Listed below are few organizations with hotlines and internet resources
to help you, a loved one, friend, or a friend yet to meet.
Please, bookmark this page and take the time to view these sites.
These are illnesses and challanges that I face and have faced
or of those around me. If there is a site or hotline that you would like
to see added to the list, drop me a line. Will try to add it for
others to benefit from.
To go to a site, click on icon/picture.


Aids Resource List
Regional, National, and International Sites

Hotline; 1-800-656-HOPE

National Hotline for Battered Women


<bgsound src="https://members.tripod.com/~Ray_of_Hope/blowing.mid" loop=infinite controls="smallconsole">

~New Day~
~My Friend~
~Catch the Wind~
~Angels Among Us~
~Morning Has Broken~
~God Are You Real~
~Treasures In You~
~Lifes Journey~
~Love Yourself~
~Beleive In Yourself~
~I Asked~
~Gives Me Time~

~Awards & Gifts~


This page has been visited times.

11 Jan 1999

*Special thanks to
Miranda for her thoughts
in making this page