flwr.gif ~ Someday ~ flwr.gif

Someday I will smile
And find the warmth of my smile
Reflected back to me...

Someday I will reach out
And find that I only have to
Reach halfway
For someone will be
Reaching out to me...

Someday I will find
The true meaning of the word Love
That many use so carelessly...

Someday I will find
Someone with whom I can share...

But for now I must try to know myself
And the World around me
   So when the time comes for me to give   
I will know the meaning
Of my gift

- Javan -

<bgsound src="today.mid" loop=infinite controls="smallconsole">

~New Day~
~My Friend~
~Catch the Wind~
~Angels Among Us~
~Morning Has Broken~
~God Are You Real~
~Treasures In You~
~Lifes Journey~
~Love Yourself~
~Beleive In Yourself~
~I Asked~
~Gives Me Time~

~Awards & Gifts~

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26 Aug 1999

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