<bgsound src="flute.mid" loop=infinite controls="smallconsole">


    ~ Love Yourself ~   

 L et go of the "shoulds" in your life.
   O pen up to the miracle of now.          
       V alue your uniqueness.
           E xplore your dreams and passions.

Y ield to life - go with the flow.
   O bey the voice of your Spirit.                      
      U nwind - get cozy and comfy.
         R enew yourself - body and soul.
         S urround yourself with caring people.
                 E xpress yourself - be true to you.
                    L inger longer at what you enjoy.           
                       F eel the love you have for yourself

          and others.

Poem courtesy of AGhostwriter
AGhostwriters Net

~New Day~
~My Friend~
~Catch the Wind~
~Angels Among Us~
~Morning Has Broken~
~God Are You Real~
~Treasures In You~
~Lifes Journey~
~Love Yourself~
~Beleive In Yourself~
~I Asked~
~Gives Me Time~

~Awards & Gifts~

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6 April 1999

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