~ Treasures In You ~

There are treasures in life,
but owners are few
Of money and power
to buy things brand new.
Yet you can be wealthy
and feel regal too,
If you will just look
for the treasures in you.
These treasures in life
are not hard to find
When you look in your heart,
your soul, and your mind.
For when you are willing
to share what's within,
Your fervent search
for riches will end.

The joy and the laughter,
the smile that you bring;
The heart unafraid
to love and to sing;
The hand always willing
to help those in need;
Ones quick to reach out,
to labor and feed.

So thank you for sharing
these great gifts inside;
The caring, the cheering,
the hug when one cried.
Thanks for the energy,
encouragement too,
And thank you for sharing
the treasures in you.

- Author Unknown -

~~ * ~~

<bgsound src="thegift.mid" loop=infinite controls="smallconsole">

~New Day~
~My Friend~
~Catch the Wind~
~Angels Among Us~
~Morning Has Broken~
~God Are You Real~
~Treasures In You~
~Lifes Journey~
~Love Yourself~
~Beleive In Yourself~
~I Asked~
~Gives Me Time~

~Awards & Gifts~

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29 March 1999

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