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Aeris Gainsborough
Aeris is a young flower merchant. She sells her flowers in Midgar. Although physically weak, she possesses great magical skill. Aeris is sometimes annoying to play with. Her attacks are weak and she dies at the end on disc 1. Don't play with her unless you really like her. She's a waste of experience points.
Aeris' Limit Breaks
Aeris has a total of 7 limit breaks. If you want to learn more about limit breaks, please click on the "Limit Breaks" button.
Level 1
Healing Wind
Aeris restores hitpoints for the entire party.
Seal Evil
Aeris casts Stop and Silence on the enemy.
Level 2
Breath of the Earth
Aeris cures all abnormal status's. 
Fury Brand
Aeris fills all other limit bars.
Level 3
Planet Protector
Aeris makes the party invincible.
Pulse of Life
Aeris cures and heals the entire party.
Level 4
Great Gospel
Aeris cures the entire party and makes it invincible. 
How to get the Great Gospel

When you have Dio's buggy, go to Costa Del Sol and enter the ship. When you arrive in Junon, go with the buggy to the Sleeping miners cave (Behind Midgar's mountains). When your battle total ends with two equal digits (e.g. 544, 288 or 44 etc) then he will wake up and give you a piece of mythril. Give this mythril to the weaponsmith (Located in a house southeast of the Gold Saucer). Now open the box on the first floor. It contains Great Gospel.

Aeris' Weapons
Name Growth Slots
Guard Stick Normal
Mythril Rod Normal
Full Metal Staff Normal
Wizard Staff Double
Striking Staff Normal
Wiser Staff Double
Fairy Tale Normal
Prism Staff Normal
Aurora Rod Normal
Parasol None No Slots
Princess Guard Normal
Aeris' Ultimate Weapon

Aeris' best weapon is the Princess Guard. To get it, you must find a Clockroom in the Temple of the Ancients. Since this room is easy to find, you cannot miss the Princess Guard. Set the clock so you can walk to gate 4. Open the box at the end of the corridor to get the Princess Guard.


Cloud Strife
Barret Wallace
Tifa Lockheart
Aeris Gainsborough
Cid Highwind
Cait Sith
Yuffie Kisaragi
Vincent Valentine
Aeris' Info

Battle Tips

Setting speed

Remember that you can always adjust the speed of the battles. Go to the menu screen and select "Config". You can also select the order of materia use.

Pre-emptive Attacks

Sometimes, the enemies start behind your back. To quickly turn and lower their attacks press and hold the L and R buttons for a fraction of a second. Then let go. The characters will start running, but quickly turn around to face the enemy. Use the "9 and 3 key for PC version.

The Battle Arena

In the Gold Saucer is the Battle Arena. Here you can fight to earn Battle points. These points can be exchanged for good prizes. To fight, simply talk to the lady at the counter and pay 10 Gp to enroll. You'll have to face 8 enemies alone. If you win, you'll get Battle points. But after each round you'll get handicaps which make it harder to fight.

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