
The title of Initiate is given to those individuals who have chosen to enter into serious study with Silver Web Coven. They will have {Init} in front of their names to indicate that they have taken vows to the Coven and the Old Gods.
It is at this time that they become members of the Coven, and begin their training for Priest/esshood.

Initiates are required to come to rituals, where they will assist with the rites by calling and releasing the quarters, casting and releasing the circle, etc.
In addition, they will continue to study the lore of the Old Religion through independent reading and required classes.

Initiation is offered to Dedicants that members of The Synod feel are sincere in their beliefs and ready to move on. They will be required to take a simple general knowledge quiz and answer a few essay questions.

When they and the members of The Synod feel they are ready, Initiates will be tested to
First Degree.

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