Optional Rules

Some of the many minor changes that can be made to enhance your gaming pleasure. Whilst by no means exhaustive, there should be more than enough to insire you with ideas. Check out the Rules Variants for just how some of the altered rules sets possible.

Guild Departments

Reception: Welcome, please, sit down.
Disclaimer: Don't worry, I dont bite (unless you ask me to, rrrrrh!).
Guild Rules: Go on, order me about.
Guild Armoury: Oooh, whips and chains!
Rules Options: Leather too!
Current Members: What? With ALL of them?
Previous Games: You weren't this kinky last time.
The Royal Unicorn: I thought you were trying to get me drunk earlier.

Huddersfield Guild of Assassins

Typical Scoring System

Killing a legal victim
  (attacker, criminal, target, etc.)         +3 points
Victim was your target                       +4 points
Victim was a Wanted Criminal                 + Bounty
Killing an illegal victim indirectly
 (non-player or passive, non-target player   -1 point
                       by gas or bomb, etc).
Killing an illegal victim directly
 (non-player or passive, non-target player   -2 points
                           by knife or gun).

Rules Variants

In the simplest of games, each player has only one target, and when a target is killed the players new target will be the ex-target of the late, lamented victim. The current Umpire may decree that a dead person should pass on the name of their previous target to their killer, but more usually this will not be the case and the Umpire must be informed of the kill and then send out the details of the new target.

This prevents confusion when there is doubt as to whether a kill was succesful, prevents discrimination against people using long-range killing methods such as letter bombs and trying to kill someone who is already dead.

(OG Michaelmas 1995, Game 2) There is a 'double edged circle of death' in which everyone has two targets, each of which is also your assassin. This works quite well except if there are too many apathetic and/or unreachable players in the game, in which case there is a possibility of the last player alive being someone who barely played at all. If enough precautions are taken this will not happen.

The number of targets recieved can be weighted to discourage apethy:

The Special Slayers Club is a concept invented by Pete Gillin (OG) for the OG's 1st Michaelmas game 1995 in order to combat the large numbers of apathetic players. The most enthusiastic players are given an extra target from among those players who have not made any kill attempts, hence the strong get more points and the weak get a bigger chance of getting killed. Hey, that's life.

(OG Michaelmas Term 1996, Game 2) There are two or more teams, each with a captain who has a list of players on the opposing teams. The captain assigns targets to his or her team members and the winning team is the one that lasts the longest. The captains should probably be immortal. There is an independant Umpire who will be there soley to resolve any dispute that occurs over legalities. The Umpire may decide whether or not it will be allowable for gangs of assassins to go after a particular victim.

Variations on the team game include giving each captain a number of extra lives to divvy up between his team.

It is suggested that the points for gang kills are divided equally between all responsible (rounding down) to a minimum of 1 point each.