Rules for the Syndicate Game

The year is 2096.

The old companies have grown into globe-spanning syndicates which control governments and own nearly all the land, industry and profit of the whole world. These syndicates fight each other for territory, power and revenge, using cybernetic agents to threaten and kill dissenters. The syndicate which owned a barren, rain-swept island just off the coast of Europe has recently gone bankrupt following the selafield explosion. In the power vacuum the other syndicates move in for the kill...

Guild Departments

Reception: A cheery greeting to the website.
Disclaimer: Nope, I didn't do it and you can't prove otherwise.
Guild Rules: Surprisingly, this is where the rules can be found.
Guild Armoury: I got guns an' stuff!
Rules Options: Almost certainly how you first got to this page.
Current Members: Not for the faint-hearted.
Previous Games: Just bsome of the many crazy antics we've gotten up to in our fun-filled past.
The Royal Unicorn: Buy me a drink and I'm yours.

Huddersfield Guild of Assassins


This game will be a loosely based team game, probably with three teams. The game follows all normal rules, except where stated.

To represent the syndicate's initial, cautious moves each player will be given a target (from an opposing team) as per normal. Each kill is worth 4 points.

SPECIFIC VENDETTA: If you kill your target with witnesses (civilian or agents from another team) around, however, the opposing team who's agent you killed finds out about this and then you become a valid target for ANYBODY on that team. This is a SPECIFIC VENDETTA.

To stop this from happening you must kill all the witnesses! This will cost you points (-1 per civilian, -4 per agent). To avoid irratating the general public you may just take a head count of the civilians and assume that you kill them all (you are a super-human cyborg, after all).

TEAM VENDETTA: If circumstances arise, such as a particularly brutal murder, or many agents are killed at once, a team may declare a TEAM VENDETTA on another team. When this occurs ANYONE on one of the two teams involved becomes a target for EVERYONE on the other team.

All vendettas need to be confirmed by the umpire.


BOMBS: These have to be very powerful if they are to kill cyborgs. As such they have the normal blast radius with respect to agents, but double that with respect to killing civilians, as they don't have metal body armour.

CONTACT POISON: As cyborgs have highly advanced, plastiflesh skin this is ineffective. It still works against civillians though.

COSH: When someone has been coshed the attacker may automatically kill him or 'persuade' him, although the victim may not act as an agent until he has 'come round', ie. he can't play an active part in the game at all until he wakes up one hour later.

PERSUADATRON: This is an empety water pistol or 'ray-gun' with the word 'Persuadatron' written clearly on it. This affects the victim's mind and converts him to your cause. To use it you must touch it to your victim's exposed flesh (steady now, lads!). This may be safely done after he/she has been coshed, or before if you're feeling particularly hard.

You may persuade ANYBODY in any team, regardless of whether they are a target or not. Targets of SPECIFIC VENDETTAS CANNOT be persuaded - they must be killed. Persuading someone from a different team gives you 8 points.

The victim is then transferred from his team to yours! This is done INSTANTLY, without need of Umpire confirmation, although the Umpire should be informed. Of course, if the victim has been coshed he won't be much use for a while.

A victim may be officially added to your team, or he may keep this a secret and act as a DOUBLE AGENT! (At the victim's choice). This gives him ample opportunity to use a persuadatron on anyone on his old team, whilst they still think he's one of them.

Civilians will not notice a persuading, so do not count as witneses, but other agents may need to be killed to keep it a secret.

If a spy's previous target is on his new team he will get a new target.

This means that any time, you can't know for sure that someone is on your team unless you persuadatron them yourself. And who is going to let you do that if they don't trust you?

You can of course kill anyone in your own team if you suspect them, but if you happened to be wrong then you would lose points, and probably be shot as a traitor yourself...


E-MAIL: You may e-mail anyone who is on your team to exchange news, information etc. that is not general news. YOU MAY ONLY E-MAIL PEOPLE ON YOUR OWN TEAM.

If you are a SPY then you may e-mail your OLD TEAM and your NEW TEAM. You MUST tell the truth to your new team. You may lie to your old team. ("I'm not a spy, honest, John is though...")

DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES: All information you possess is lost when you die.

NOTE: Try to play inc character, ie. when you are persuaded treat your new team as if it always were your team - hate your old comerades and do anything to sell them out.


Killing an agent in self-defence:         +2 points.
Killing your target or a spy:             +4 points.
Persuading anybody from a different team: +8 points.
Persuading a spy:                         +8 points.

Killing a civilian:                  -1 point
                               (hey, life is cheap).
Killing an agent who isn't a target: -4 points.
Killing someone on your own team:    -8 points.
Being persuaded:                     -8 points.

Rules by Kim 'Sane' Hawkins (OG).