Also during the mid-fifties Hamilton embarked on a program of expansion and diversification. As a result, the company currently produces watches under three brand names--Hamilton, Vantage and Buren--in six plants in this country and abroad, manufactures sterling and plated silverware, fabricates and processes rare and exotic metals, and produces mechanical and electronic measuring devices and components. Hamilton also turns out rocket fuel alloys, special metals for the Apollo program, missile timers and safety and arming devices for military applications.
The first major step in expansion occurred in 1959 when Wallace Silversmiths, one of the oldest and most respected silver firms in the country, joined the Hamilton family. Robert Wallace combined mechanical skill, industry and initiative in manufacturing the first German silver spoon in America in 1835, which served as the foundation for the company. From a converted grist mill on the banks of the Quinnipiac River in Wallingford, Connecticut, Wallace has grown to its present size occupying 45 acres. With its move into silver, Hamilton entered a completely new product area which, though different in manufacturing processes, was distributed through essentially the same outlets as watches. Hamilton expanded international operations in the same year with the purchase of the century-old firm of A. Huguenin Fils, S.A. of Bienne, Switzerland, and the later establishment of Hamilton Watch Company, S.A. A resurgent economy in Europe and Japan during the late fifties and early sixties opened watch markets virtually untapped by Hamilton.
Hamilton's First Board Of Directors
Hamilton History (PAGE 1)
Hamilton History (PAGE 2)
Hamilton History (PAGE 3)
Hamilton History (PAGE 4)
Hamilton History (PAGE 5)
Hamilton History (PAGE 6)
Hamilton History (PAGE 7)
Hamilton History (PAGE 8)
Hamilton History (PAGE 9)
Hamilton History (PAGE 10)
Hamilton Railroad Watches
Congestive Heart Failure
Hamilton Pocket Watches
Tom's Books
Tom's Music Page
Computer Accessories
Computer Hardware
Computer Input Devices
Computer Software