To meet the growing new market in the U. S. for inexpensive watches, Hamilton in 1961 acquired the Standard Time Corporation, St. Croix, Virgin Islands. With this new facility the company entered the budget watch market with quality jeweled-lever movements. Standard Time supplies watch movements which are assembled and marketed by Vantage Products which was formed in 1962. The Vantage Division's broad selection of low-priced quality watches are sold nationwide through nearly 9,000 retail stores. It was the first to offer a lady's electric watch in the low-priced watch field. In 1966 Hamilton acquired the Buren Watch Company of Buren, Switzerland. Buren is a fully integrated manufacturing company which complements the Hamilton assembly operation in Bienne. It is well known for the quality of its products and provides a broader base from which Hamilton can continue to build its world-wide reputation. Buren watches have been made since 1832.
The Industrial Products Division manufactures a wide range of precision instruments for industrial applications. Among these are elapsed time indicators, gages and battery-operated timing devices. It also makes photo-etched products used in electronic components for the computer and aerospace industries.
Hamilton's First Board Of Directors
Hamilton History (PAGE 1)
Hamilton History (PAGE 2)
Hamilton History (PAGE 3)
Hamilton History (PAGE 4)
Hamilton History (PAGE 5)
Hamilton History (PAGE 6)
Hamilton History (PAGE 7)
Hamilton History (PAGE 8)
Hamilton History (PAGE 9)
Hamilton History (PAGE 10)
Hamilton Railroad Watches
Congestive Heart Failure
Hamilton Pocket Watches
Tom's Books
Tom's Music Page
Computer Accessories
Computer Hardware
Computer Input Devices
Computer Software