Our roadie is Jacob, a 35 year old Brit.
For personal reasons, he wished not to
have his picture posted, or taken at all
for that matter.  While Jacob is not
touring with the band, he enjoys
spelunking in Carlsbad Caverns.  He also
attends the National Roadie Convention
once a year in Barber, West Virginia.
Jacob has never been married, and has 
no kids.  He complains there used to be
a time when that was an implied statement.
Right now, Jacob is following Weird Al
Yankovic's cross-country tour, because
it's our off year.  Jacob's favorite
pasttimes, besides spelunking, is
carving and continuing his life-long
research on southern Australian brush.

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Roadie Tales

Starting Out
Incest, WV
Paulton, MS
Stinkbomb, ND
Houston, TX

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