Catholic Homeschool Review
Copyright 2000. All Rights Reserved. Keeping It Catholic
This page lists those Catholic-owned businesses that either specialize in Catholic homeschool materials or carry inventory of interest to Catholic families.Especially look for the following KIC Kiss Award symbol:
+Aletheia Press
ALETHEIA PRESS has published a 37-page critique of CCL's New Corinthians Curriculum. The website also features online Catholic pamphlets about morality that are suitable for our Catholic teens. There's no sex ed, no values clarification!
+ Catholic Heritage Curricula
P.O. Box 125
Twain Harte, CA 95383-0125
Web: or
E-Mail Address: or catalog orders at
Toll Free Phone (Orders Only): 1-800-490-7713 , Fax: 1-209-586-0132
Catalog Type: Both Online and Paper
CHC's inventory includes their own self published materials, those written by Catholic homeschooling parents, as well as selections from publishers like Neumann Press, Tan Books and Publishers, Bethlehem Books and a few others.
Their specialty items are usually heavy stock, paperbound books with staple-bindings; inside text and illustrations are black and white. The bulk of their inventory is Catholic with extremely limited secular and nondenominational selections (for example, they carry Writing Strands and some Rod and Staff materials). Some of their specialty items include the works of Nancy Nicholson, an increasingly frequent contributor to CHC's inventory. Her titles include the Answer Key to the Neumann Press' republished Land of Our Lady series, A Catholic Overview of United States and World, Language of God for Little Folks, My Catholic Speller, Little Stories for Little Folks, Little Folks' Letter Practice, and Little Folks' Number Practice.
+Catholic Home-Schoolers Bookshelf
2399 Cool Springs Road
Thaxton, Virginia 24174
Phone: (540) 586-4898
Catalog Type: Paper
This catalog includes Catholic history books, science, reference, children's books about Saints and other books of help to homeschooling families.
+Holy Family Catholic Books and Materials
8A- 31205 Old Yale Rd.
Abbotsford, B.C. V2T 5E5
E-Mail: holyfam@uniserve.comPhone: 604-855-0361
Fax: 604-855-0368
Toll Free in Canada: 1-800-661-0107
This "walk-in" store also offers a catalog. Inventory includes Catholic reading materials for all age/grade levels. Homeschooling materials include (but are not limited to) Children's Treasure Box, Faith and Life, History Links (a Catholic unit study series), My First Canadian History, Rod and Staff books (Mennonite publishers), Catholic Home Schooling by Dr. Mary Kay Clark, Catholic Pre-Schooler, and more. Homeschoolers receive a discount - don't forget to inquire!
+L.P.H. Resource Center (Catholic Home Education)
1 High Street
Malvern, PA 19355
LPH is the acronymn for Lady of Perpetual Help Resource Center, which provides self-designed, self-published materials designed to assist Catholic homeschooling parents who prefer to design or customize their family's curriculum. Courses for grade levels 4-8 include Church Latin, history, geography, and science.
P.O. Box 5034
Monrovia, CA 91017-1734
Toll Free Orders ONLY: (800) 257-4893
Phone: (626) 359-4893
Fax: (626) 359-6933
Catalog Type: Both Online and Paper
Not just a homeschool company but a refreshingly Catholic family company. Catholic Treasures carries Examination of Conscience for Adults, American Cardinal Readers, Catholic Stories for Boys and Girls, Catholic history books by Ann Carroll, as well as Catholic adult reading, papal encyclicals, tapes like Catholic Songs for Children, Chant of the Benedictine Monks, and inspiring religious videos and audiocassette tapes.
+ Dumb Ox Press
10201 Grove School Road
Beloit, WI 53511
Phone: (608) 879-9400
Catalog: Paper
This Catholic company's specialty is the liturgical season, with materials for Advent and Lent. Their calendars include the traditional feast days, according to the pre-Vatican II dates. They also carry dolls, wooden toys, and "Armor of God" patterns. (It has been brought to KIC's attention that "Armor of God" features a pattern to celebrate "Reformation Day.")
(The owners of this company recently moved; a new address will be provided as soon as possible).
This is the home business for the Catholic homeschooling mother who wrote The Orphans Find a Home: The Mother Cabrini Story, Kit Finds a Friend, and Saint Maximilian Kolbe. These materials are sold through Catholic Heritage Curricula but they can be purchased via the author.
8710 Nobel Ct.
Richmond, TX 77469
Phone: (281) 545-2672
Fax: (281) 545-2672
To Order by Email:
For Information:
Catalog Type: Paper and Online
A beautiful (and appropriate touch) that alerts readers that this in indeed a Catholic homeschooling catalog company that is well aware of (and promotes) the Catholic Church's teachings on education, El Camino's website quotes Pope Leo XIII's encyclical letter Militantis Ecclesia: ""It is necessary not only that religious instruction be given to the young at certain fixed times, but also that every other subject taught be permeated with Christian piety. If this is wanting ... little good can be expected from any kind of learning, and considerable harm will often be the consequence."
El Camino Real (the Royal Road) offers a large amount of Catholic (and some "neutral") materials especially for homeschoolers, including some beautiful Catholic stationery selections. In fact, El Camino specifically indicates Catholic items and invites their catalog readers to ask if there is any uncertainty about secular materials! They carry inventory from Lepanto Press, Tan Books, Neumann Press, Roman Catholic Books, and a few others. Their website includes curriculum list suggestions and other helpful information.
P.O. Box 321
New Castle, DE 19720
Toll Free Phone: 1-800-871-5598
Emmanuel carries an impressive selection of Catholic materials. Spanning from eclectic to traditional approaches, Emmanuel Books includes a wide range of materials helpful to the Catholic homeschool.
Endeavoring to carry those materials recommended in Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum, their selections also include books by Tan Books and Publishers, Ignatius, Bethlehem, Neumann Press, Dover, Scholastic, Our Father's House, Kolbe Academy, etc. Also listed are Laura Berquist's various syllabi, materials from Modern Curriculum Press (the "plaid" series), Wordly Wise (an excellent secular vocabulary workbook series), Cuisinaire materials, Miquon Math, and Calculadder.
Their inventory does include a few nondenominational materials like the Learning Language Arts Through Literature series (which is on our Warning Flag list) and some Greenleaf books. However, Emmanuel is careful to carry only Greenleaf's books on Greece and not those covering the Reformation. Other fundamentalist books in their catalog include Charlotte Mason's Home Education Series, For the Children's Sake, and The Charlotte Mason Companion.
RR 2 Box 323
Sauk Centre, MN 56378
Phone: (320) 352-3557
Fax: (320) 732-3858
Guardian Angels offers well-written, attractive, beautifully bound and some hard-to-find Catholic books for adults, textbooks of interest to homeschooling parents, and timeless classics for children. A sampling of their list includes Land of Our Lady History series, American Cardinal Readers, Tale of Three Trees, My Pathway to Heaven, and more.
+History Links
PO Box 662
La Center, WA 98629
Phone: 360-263-6568
History Links is a self-published series written by a few Catholic homeschooling mothers. They plan to add to the series regularly.
+Krusader Enterprises
958 Norway Ave.
Huntington, W VA 25705-3948
Phone: (304) 697-9543
Fax: (304) 529-1888
Krusader is a small Catholic homeschooling company that produces Saints & Angels, Crosses & Crowns and History Through the Saints: A 2000 Year Catholic Timeline. (See our History Review page.)
Please Note: Currently, Krusader's materials are available only through the summer months of June - August.
Flowers Family Apostolate
Little Flowers Family Apostolate publishes many resources for other Catholic families, including The Little Flowers Catalog and Resource Guide, the Catholic Health Letter, and Our Lady's Martyrs of Purity Crusade. Their newest resource is a 3-D Latin Mass Altar with Priest Paper Dolls that is accompanied by a learning booklet. U.S. customers may save money when purchasing from this company because they get "more bang for the buck!"
136 Magnolia Drive
Front Royal, VA 22630
Phone: (888) 545-3597
Fax: (540) 636-2382
This is a fairly new business, specializing in republishing Catholic books like King of the Golden City (an inspiring allegory) and Jesus of Nazareth: The Story of His Life Simply Told, both by Mother Mary Loyola who wrote them so many years ago.
P.O. BOX 100
Pekin, IN 47165
Toll Free (Orders ONLY): 1-800-451-3993
Phone: 1-812-967-2541
Fax: 1-800-967-2980
Catalog Type: Both Online and Paper
This Catholic (homeschooling) family owned enterprise has been in business since 1975. Solidly Catholic, purchasers will find nothing offered except beautiful merchandise that edifies the Catholic faith. Not necessarily a Catholic homeschool company, you will still find many items for your Catholic family. Their inventories include angels items, auto items, baby gifts, books, candles, cards, cassettes, cassocks/surplices/closeout items, chapel/prayer caps, Christmas items, crosses, crucifixes, holy water fonts, statues (for inside and outside the home), holy cards, Catholic bibles, missals and covers, medals and chains, religious night lights, stained glass pictures, Catholic rubber stamps, software, scapulars, stationery, t-shirts, videos, children's gifts for First Holy Communion and Confirmation, and more. Impressive service.
Long Prairie, MN
Toll-Free Order Line: 1-800-746-2521
Catalog Type: Both Online and Paper
Neumann Press republished the Land of Our Lady history series and carry Our Quest for Happiness high school religion series, The American Cardinal Readers, Come Rack! Come Rope!, Song of the Scaffold, and many other treasures. Most of their inventory are hard-bound with gold stamped titles.
They also carry the newer Little Angel Reader phonics books for grades K-2 (including readers, workbooks, and teachers' manuals). NP's website says, "The selections we carry have been carefully chosen to carry forth ideas that are theologically sound, historically truthfully, and morally entertaining. All our books are Roman Catholic and loyal to the chair of Peter. All items carry a 30-day money-back guarantee."
This is one of those rare companies that keeps to their promises. Impressive service.
+One Faithful Harp Publishing
P.O. Box 20140
Scranton, PA 18502-0140
Email :
Fax: 917-677-9118
One Faithful Harp re-printed Darby O'Gill and the Good People, a wonderful collection of Irish tales centering around - who else? - the character of Darby O'Gill. Full of wit, wisdom, folklore, and the legendary "Irish blarney," this one's a classic.
+Our Father's House
5530 S. Orcas
Seattle, WA 98118
Phone: (206) 725-9026
Our Father's House produces and carries their own products for Catholic homeschoolers, including their Miniature Mass Kit, ABC's of Christian Culture, and some Latin and Gregorian Chant resources. They have also developed Sound Beginnings (a recent program similar to the Spalding method, but this one includes a non-Catholic Bible reader) . They also carry books by the Protestant author G.A. Henty (see Pitfalls and Top Tip Offs for more information).
+Saints and Scholars
58 Pigeon Rd.
Waynesville, NC 28786
Planned Website:
Toll Free Order Line: 1-800-452-3936
Phone: (866) 454-0340
Saints and Scholars features a large selection of Catholic, Christian and secular books and materials like Saxon math titles and Eyewitness Books.
11075 Coaster Lane
Conroe, TX 77306
No phone or fax provided.
This is one nice "niche" resource that Catholic families will not want to overlook. Salve Regina's inventory is predominantly Catholic and includes their own developed materials as well as those from Catholic publishers. Their specialty items include a Catholic Home School Lesson Planner, Catholic Report Card, The Little Way of St. Therese - a Catholic Girl's Club, Holy Family Story and Art Pages, Catholic Alphabet Cards, Texas History for Young Catholics, and Angel Talk: A Workbook for Children. They also carry Catholic or other acceptable sources for science, pre-school, crafts and activities, Catholic games like Journey to Jesus (a Catholic "Chutes and Ladders") and Catholic Categories (a board game), the Windeatt and Vision Books, selections from TAN and Bethlehem Books, a Marian Grotto Kit, and more. Salve Regina makes it a special point to limit their secular inventory only to items they find are truly neutral.
Their categories include Salve Regina Products, Religion, History, Catholic Mission History, Science, Creation and Evolution, Music, Latin, Logic, Saints, Literature, Poetry, Preschool Books, Art and Activities, Advent, Christms, Lent, Easter and Clearance Items.
Educational Media Catalog
1350 Progress Drive
Front Royal, VA 22630
Phone: (540) 636-9990
Fax: (540) 636-1602
Catalog Type: Both Online and Paper
This is a beautiful catalog from Seton Press (a division of Seton Home Study School). This is the source for the "Young Catholic" series (Phonics, Writing, Art, Science and History). Homeschoolers can also select from an attractive selection of other Catholic materials ranging from Catholic Readers (including the Faith and Freedom readers, only available through Seton), Foreign Languages, History, Religion, Teaching Aids, Catholic Home Schooling Aids, Byzantine Catholic mateirals, software (like the Baltimore Catechism on disk and Catholic Challenge), Study Skills and Videos. Secular or nondenominational materials are limited, with none offensive to Catholic beliefs.
Ye Hedge School
24934 478 Avenue
Garretson, SD 57030
Catalog Type: Online Only
A small Catholic homeschool business, Ye Hedge School self-publishes the First Whole Book of Diagrams, Elementary Diagramming Worktext and 1000 years of Catholic Scientists by owner/author Mary Daly.
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