Keeping It Catholic Site List
This page tells you about everything on the KIC Website!
or read our Outline of the entire site.
(Some lists are pages planned for the future and are noted as "under construction." Updates and additions will also be noted with the date.)
February 26, 2002
Updated Catholic Homeschool Business Page
February 25, 2002
Updated Calendar of Events
Updated Home Page
Updated History Reviews
April 1, 2001
Added Arlington Guidelines Open to Comment
Added Arlington - First Draft of Guidelines
Added Diocesan News - Position Paper or More Homeschooling Guidelines?
Updated Calendar of Events
Updated History Reviews
Updated Known Homeschool Sacramental Guidelines
Updated Special Needs
January 12, 2001
Uploaded Jesus at My House to the Articles Page
August 5, 2000
Added Algebra-Online and Why Study Algebra? link to the Mathlinks page.
Uploaded History Reviews page.
Added From Jesus to Christ, the Internet Medieval Sourcebook, Who Were the Macabees Fighting and Why?, Mishna, The Second Temple, and The Works of Flavius Josephus to the Historylinks page
Updated Other Homeschool Helps page with information on Homeschool Easy Records.
Uploaded Special Needs Page.
Updated the Calendar of Events page.
July 25, 2000
Added One Faithful Harp Publishing to the Catholic Homeschool Business Page.
Updated website link for Catholic Heritage Curricula on the Catholic Businesses Page.
July 18, 2000
The following page and review was added:
Science Page - Life Science: All Creatures Great and Small (Seton Edition)
July 7, 2000
The following review(s) were added to pre-existing pages:
Catholic Weekly and Daily Lesson Planners by Salve Regina Books
The following pages were added:
Keeping It Catholic KISS Awards (given to great Catholic homeschool resources, this page will be updated with new award recipients on a "roughly" bi-monthly basis.)
Keeping It Catholic's Rating Scale for Reviews
Keeping It Catholic's Choose with Care Category
Keeping Catholic's List of Catholic Homeschool Businesses
Keeping It Catholic's List of Catholic Publishers
Keeping It Catholic's Online Homework Helps - Links to interactive, study and research sites. Categories range from Archeology to Safety Online links.
Keeping It Catholic's Other Homeschool Resources
Catholic Homeschool Review Main Page
Art - Under Construction
Bible - Under Construction
Character Traits - Under Construction
College - Under Construction
Educational Books for Parents -
-A Landscape with Dragons-Catholic Education: Homeward Bound
-A Second Review on Catholic Education: Homeward Bound
-Catholic Homeschool Treasury - Review updated July 7, 2000
-Catholic Homeschooling - A Handbook for Parents
-Catholic Weekly and Daily Lesson Planners by Salve Regina Books Review added July 7, 2000
-Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum
-Harp and the Laurel Wreath, The
English - Under Construction
Geography - Under Construction
Handwriting /Cursive - Under Construction
High School - Under Construction
History - Uploaded August 5, 2000
Languages - Under Construction
Magazines and Newsletters - Uploaded July 7, 2000
Math - Under Construction
Methods - Featuring an in-depth look at Charlotte Mason.
Music - Under Construction
-Online Homework Help - this entire section uploaded July 7, 2000
-Art Links(From Ancient Mesopotamia to the World Wars I and II)
Phonics - Under Construction
-The American Cardinal Readers-Faith and Freedom Literary Readers
-Baltimore Catechism (New St. Joseph)
Resources - Catholic Homestudy Programs provides overviews on the main page which continue on the following pages:
-More info on recommended books, enrollment and services at Kolbe...-More info on recommended books, enrollment and services at MODG...
-More on Our Lady of the Rosary's curriculum and online services...
-More on enrollment options and books at Our Lady of Victory...
-More on enrollment options and books at Seton Home Study...
Resources - Keeping It Catholic's List of Catholic Publishers - Uploaded July 6, 2000
Saints Books for Children Under Construction
Science - Uploaded August 5, 2000
Software Under Construction
Special Needs - Uploaded August 5, 2000
Spelling Under Construction
Testing Under Construction
Unit Study Under Construction
Videos Under Construction
Catholic Calendar of Events is the page to see if you're especially seeking information on a Catholic homeschool bookfair near you!
Keeping It Catholic Scrapbook - Inspiration and humor collected from the World Wide Web. Always under construction!
-Adam's Cost for Eve-The Angel "Birdies" - A True Story
-Roses for Rose - a Love Story
Catholic Homeschoolers Ask - Ask a question about Catholic education (which includes homeschooling) and, not surprisingly, the Church has the answer. The Q&A format includes answers from the encyclical Christian Education of Youth.
The Keeping It Catholic "Pit List" - Warning Flags - based on Church teaching (Tradition and Scripture), this is the one, the only, the original Warning Flag list!
-The Pit List of Warning Flags - Part TwoThe Bible - King James and Childrens BiblesHistory - Greenleaf, Christian Liberty Press, Abeka and Bob Jones
Reading, Writing and Phonics -Learning Language Arts, Sound Beginnings and"Everyone's Talking About Harry!"
Keeping It Catholic's Collection of Articles - a growing collection from both The Catholic Family's Magnificat Magazine and Keeping It Catholic In Your Hearts and Homes Online Newsletter. (Note: You'll find quite a number of our original articles archived on EWTN Online.)
Balancing Your Day: Husbands and the HomeschoolBuilding Your Own Catholic Curriculum
Catholic Home Education: Which Approach to Use?
Catholic Fathers: Are Their Hearts At Home?
Can Parents Prepare Their Children for the Sacraments?
Charlotte Mason from the Catholic View
Family: Seminary of Hope (Fr. John Hardon. S.J.)
Four Reasons Why Catholic Homeschooling is Necessary (Fr. John Hardon. S.J.)
Home Catechesis - Hope for a Troubled World
Homeschool Doubts - What to Do When They Set In?
How to Keep Your Homeschool Catholic
How to Survive a Bad Case of Cabin Fever
In Sickness and In Health - Homeschooling Alone
Summertime Schooling: To Do or Not to Do?
Structure - The Framework on Which to Build Your Homeschool
Making the Best of an Indoor Situation
Head of the Home, Heart of the Home
The NCEA Survey On Catholic Home Education (Parts 1 - 9)
Housework - the Homeschoolers' Haunter
Catholic Laymen in History and Science
How's and Why's to Teaching Catholic History
Catechesis with the New Catechism of the Catholic Church
Saints in Time - A Charlotte Mason Approach for Catholics
Making Ordinary "Extraordinary"
What the Church Says: "You are Educators Because You are Parents"
Keeping It Catholic On-Line Support Group - Join us online!
Click to join KeepingItCatholic
Vatican Received Document on Home Education - Read the 1995 document presented to the Vatican by the Round Table of Catholic Home School Leaders.
Keeping It Catholic Collection of Prayers - An Online Prayerbook Beautiful Catholic prayers collected from old prayerbooks. Always under construction! There are so many prayers yet to be uploaded to the site, this section will only include active links.
Acts of Faith, Hope, Love and ContritionApostles' Creed (with "Necessary Prayers)
Morning Offering (Brown Scapular Devotion)
Holy Communion, Prayers Before
Our Father (see Necessary Prayers)
Daily Neglects Prayer of Contrition (see Evening Prayers)
Night Prayers (see Evening Prayers)
Angel Prayer of Fatima to the Holy Trinity
(same page as "Short" Prayers)
Blessed Sacrament Prayer of Fatima (same pg. as "Short" Prayers)
Pardon Prayer of Fatima (same pg . as Short" Prayers)
Sacrifice Prayer of Fatima (same pg . as "Short" Prayers)
Rosary Decade Prayer of Fatima (same pg . as "Short" Prayers)
Homeschool Guidelines To Date On one page, you will find "sacramental" guidelines for homeschoolers from Atlanta, Baltimore, Boise, Chicago, Cincinnati, Detroit, Erie, the entire state of Florida, Harrisburg, Lansing, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Palm Beach, Peoria, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Toledo, San Diego, and St. Louis.
Round Table of Catholic Home School Leaders' Meeting
-1998 Part Two
National Homeschool Fax Alert, Week of Nov. 22, 1998
Roman Catholic Faithful Letter on HS Issues
What IS Keeping It Catholic (K.I.C.)?
Hot News Flashes - What's New? New format as of June 18, 2000
-Protest Launched Against NACHE-NACHE in Atlanta-The Ban Against Seton Continues
-"Sex Ed" Series Publisher Sponsors TORCH Conference
-Homeschoolers Comment on the Big Issues
-TORCH Stories Are True-Do Endorsements Mean Conditions for Homeschoolers?
-NACHE/Cardinal Keeler - Truth is Stranger Than Fiction
-Anonymous Sniper Poet Tries to Shoot Messenger
-House Divided Article Brought Insights
-Sex Ed, Mothers Watch, Guidelines, Fr. Hardon
-A "Positive" Position on Pittsburgh?
-A NACHE-Oriented Line Up in My Support Group
-Hasson's TORCH Article Blew My Mind
-Commendation for Mothers Watch and Marianna Bartold
-NACHE, Always Our Children, and Apostolos Suos
-House Divided Article Deserves Wide Reading
-I Reported You to Bishop McHugh!
-Kimberly Hahn's Input in Cincinnati Guidelines
-TORCH Member Objects to Pornography Expose
-Disturbed Over National Catholic Homeschool Curriculum Idea
-Former Catholic School Teacher Objects to HS Guidelines
-House Divided - An Excellent Article to Share!
-Is Reporting an Act of "Disunity"?
-TORCH - A Self Crowned Monarchy?
Hot News Flashes Page 2 - History of the Homeschool Debate Updated to new format June 18, 2000. Please check the actual page, as it provides viewers with the dates and a description of each article.
-NCEA Survey on Catholic Homeschoolers-Homeschoolers: A House Divided
-Homeschoolers: Next Casualty?
-Homeschoolers and the Hierarchy
-Seton Article: Authority in the Church
-Hasson's Private Letter to Seton
-The Pledge of Solidarity - Help or Hindrance?
-Twelve Problems with the Pledge
-The Pittsburgh Story - A Dynamite Omission
-KIC and RCF: National Homeschool Fax Alert
-TORCH/NACHE: Setting or Skewing the Record?
-NACHE Issues Ultimatum Letter
-NACHE Bans Seton Against Fr. Hardon's Advice
-NACHE: Public Letter Reveals NACHE's Mindset
-KIC: Interview Request to NACHE
-NACHE's Response to Keeping It Catholic
-Wanderer News Piece on Seton/NACHE
-Saints and Scholars' Opinion Piece on Seton/NACHE
Hot News Flashes Page 3 - Puzzle Pieces Updated to new format June 18, 200
NACHE - A Date Problem. To see this discrepancy, go to's Useful Links? See "what" it is...
TORCH Logo: The Family in Flames?
The "New" NACHE: Bridge Under Construction
Homeschoolers: Why We're Not Happy with NACHE
"Official" (enforced?) homeschool program?
Dialogue with the Diocese - Is It Prudent?
No Previous Experience Wanted!
Beware: Faith and History Quiz
Protestant Flavored-but-Catholic-Owned
Sacramental Guideline Excerpts with Proof Texting Examples
-Guidelines, Policies, and Procedures are not Mandates
-Proof-texting Church documents
-Guideline Example, Cardinal Gagnon Comments on Catechesis, "Approved" Texts and Authentic Doctrine
Links of Interest to Catholic Families and Home Educators Updated August, 2000. There are so many links on this page, we couldn't list them all here!