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Welcome to my Fookin' Cool-Ass Nook on the Net
Hey, I am El Chip's brother, I know a lot more about movies than he does. I will be reviewing all the movies I have seen since February of 1997 up to the present. The reviews are wittier, funnier and geared towards our generation. I will also be talking about my favorite movie, The Blues Brothers, and my favorite actor, Steve Buscemi.
If you really want to know about me (which I know you really don't) here it goes: I am 15, i am a Sophomore in High School in St. Louis Missouri, I like movies, especially Tarrentino movies and scary ones. I also like music and I love going to concerts. Since movies are kinda my forte here are somke actors that piss me off: Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Leo Dicaprio, Macully Culkin, Jonothan Taylor Thomas, George Clooney, The casst of Friends, Charles Rockett, Scott Baio, and Jennifer Love Hewitt.
My entertaining movie reviews
The best of the best