And what about the Concert Reviews????? There are more pictures contained within each of these pages!!!! Aswell as that, ROLY Smithers from Area 4 has written to tell all about the DUBLIN and TRALEE Beats in 1999, from the point of view of someone who actually took to the stage!!!! Read what he wrote here!!!
Here are Shane O Donoghue, Damien Mc Caul and Dusty Rhodes, posing backstage at the Cork Beat, August 30th, 1998. MEN O U!!!!! Farard, Mark and Lee (then of Men 2 B) and Bryan (from Westlife, formerly known as IOU) enjoying themselves backstage at the Cork Beat. (30/8/98) Ian Colgan of Area 4 backstage at the Limerick Beat On the Street, 8/8/99, practising for the magic trick. Area 4, Dusty Rhodes, Damien Mc Caul and Ruth Scott on Stage at the End of the night in Limerick. (8/9/99) Nicky and Mark from Westlife (then known as IOU) donning their shades at the Cork Beat, 1998. Here's Michael Cahill, 2fm Dj posing for a picture with my best friend Marie (on right)and me (on left) backstage at the Cork Beat on the Street. 30th August 1998, one of the best Beats EVER!!!!