Fan-poetry by Irwin Kwan

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By Irwin Kwan,


[Author's Note: There are spoilers in this poem. Also, even though I've never ever met her, I'd like to dedicate this poem to Calis because she writes really good Xenogears poetry and her work is what inspired me to write this one. Thank you, Calis!]

[Addendum to the author's note: I have a confession to make. John Moors and Irwin Kwan are but one and the same person. I posted this poem under a "pen name" because I was not sure how my rough poetry-writing skills would fare in this world of Xenogears Fan-poetry. So, yes, I *did* know Calis when I wrote this poem... but she still helped me inspire it.]

I am here
To tell a story
About the heroes
Who saved the earth.

From the past
Until the future
They fought for us
The world held dear.

Ten thousand years,
Have passed since they
Were first created.

Ten thousand years,
It took for them
To destroy the cycle
Of death and rebirth.

It started with two.
It ended with seven.
Protecting mankind
Giving a future
Promising hope
For lives ahead.

And so I tell
You of a story,
The truth of legend
Right from their hearts.


        Once upon a time,
        I was called Abel.
        I was called Kim.
        I was called Lacan.
        I am called Fei.

        Who am I truly?
        Am I but one,
        Or am I all,
        of the lives
        That flash past me.

        Ten thousand years
        Of life dawns on me.

        Ten thousand years
        Of living in this world.

        It felt like a memory.
        It felt like a dream.
        In that dream,
        I was called Lacan.
        In that dream,
        I loved a woman.
        Her name was Sophia.
        I know her as 'Elly'.


        Before you came,
        I knew nothing.

        Before you came,
        What was my name?

        Before you came,
        I was not a person.

        But then you came,
        And called me 'Elly'.

        All I want
        Is to be myself.
        All I want
        Is to act as I am.
        In my days,
        I could not be
        Who I wanted
        For the wishes of people
        Fell on my shoulders.

        I had a dream,
        Or a memory.
        In that memory,
        I was called Sophia.
        Who was Sophia?
        She was not me.
        I had to act,
        To play a role,
        To be who I
        Was not meant to be.
        The people saw
        Only 'Sophia',
        And not the woman,
        That was called 'Elly'.

        The demands of people.
        And they called
        For this Sophia
        To give them these things
        So that they may be happy.

        And I gave them these things,
        So that they were happy.
        I did not want to,
        But I did anyway.

        Only Lacan,
        Knew who I was,
        Who I wanted to be.

        Only Fei,
        Understood my fight,
        Was there by my side,
        As long as I lived.

        Only Kim,
        Could see my struggle,
        Could help win my wars,
        And comfort me.

        Only Abel,
        Loved me for
        Who I was,
        The woman, Elly.


        Yo, I'm Bart, and I'm your man!
        If no one else does it, then I certainly can!
        I pilot ships, raid ports, fly gears,
        I dock the Yggdrasil in sea-line piers.
        I'm a happy, slick, fun-loving guy,
        Except that I only have one eye.

        Then they wanted me as king.

        The kingdom, the power, the glory is yours.
        But only if you want it.
        It's not that ruling is a bore,
        It's just that I don't sit.

        I don't want to watch my friends
        Fight while I stand rear
        I'd rather be part of the action!
        I'd rather face the fear!

        My dear friend Sigurd, and Margie too,
        Help me with my quest.
        For they both know that if we lose,
        There'll be nothing for the best.

        But more important than the world,
        Than the battle for mankind
        Is that I love my friends,
        And would rather be at their side.


I have called myself many names in the past because it helps me hide my identity, my true self.The names have ranged from "Hyuga" to "Uzuki", but either way, they are just masks to hide my true persona.
It still hurts.I have betrayed a friend.But yet, he still asks me to come with him, and not just to use me for my abilities, but because he really wants me around. When I'm around Fei, it doesn't feel as if he is just letting me tag along to make me feel better, or that he wants me along because I can help his cause, but rather, because he enjoys my company, my companionship, and wants me as a friend.
Despite all I've done to him, he will still accept me as a friend.
I wish all people were like that.
My life has been long and involved. First, an Element for Solaris.Then, an aide for Cain, the Emperor, not only of Solaris, but of mankind.Before, mankind would bow blindly to the Emperor, not even knowing that he is there, but now, we change that. We free the people on the world from control, from preordained destiny, from fate.
We give them their own lives.
That is only part of what's important to me.Although the science of it is nice, although the ability to say, "I was here, and I watched this happen" is a right that no one can take away from me, the most important element of this entire quest is not the end, but the road getting there... and the relationships that I have cemented on the way.


        I'm Rico.
        I'm a big guy.
        My skin is green.
        My hair is orange.
        They made fun of me when I was little.
        And it hurts.
        Rejection hurts.

        I was the son of the Kaiser and his Wife.
        I'm royalty.
        But I looked different.
        And for that, they shunned me.
        Made me hurt.
        Made me cry.
        Made me unworthy.
        Unworthy of royalty.
        Unworthy of mankind.

        Unworthy of me.

        I am strong.
        But it still does little
        To ease my pain.

        And then I found my friends.

        A man named Fei.
        A little, dinky, wussy boy,
        But yet, he earned my respect for beating me in combat.
        And after that, he helped me find more meanings in life.

        A doctor named Shitan.
        Should've been a scrawn.
        But he was powerful.
        And he gave me a quest.
        A goal in my life.

        A woman named Elly.
        Fragile, little, slender, trim.
        She looks like a stick.
        But it's not her body that is powerful,
        But her mind.

        And these people made me remember
        How much I love my home.
        How much I wanted to save the place
        Where I grew up in.
        Mother, Father, this is for you,
        My gift of defending the city.

        But home is nothing
        Without people you love.
        Mother, Father, you made this place home.
        But now that you're gone, where is home now?

        Then, Fei, Shitan, and Elly appeared.


        My sister never speaks.
        Not to me, not to anyone else.
        My father is a jerk.
        He is loud, lippy, and rude.
        I wish he wasn't my father.

        My mother is dead.
        Killed by monsters.

        "Billy," my dad said.
        But I ignored his call.
        I shouted back,
        "You left our home!
        "You didn't protect mother!"
        Ever since that day,
        My sister was silent,
        Never to utter
        A single word.

        I thought I could find comfort
        In doing deeds for others.
        The ‘Ethos', they called it.
        So I joined.
        And did my deeds.
        Said my prayers.

        What did it get me?

        The ‘Ethos' was a lie.
        Created by Solaris.
        Controlled by others.
        There was no god.

        Twice my life,
        Had been turned up-side down.

        Yet, my sister still looks at me.
        My father still looks at me.
        And they both look...


        Sad, like they want to be be close to me,
        But I am pushing them away.

        But only now
        That I think about it,
        They're right.
        It's not their fault,
        But mine.

        I am pushing them away.

        I don't want that to be so.
        I want to be a family again.
        I love you both,
        More than the world.


        Where is my dad?
        Why does he seek
        Power for the body,
        When power of the mind,
        Is what counts?

        My father worked
        For years and years
        On two machines.

        I, Maria, feel him, though,
        Through Seibzhen.
        He appeard to me
        As Achtzhen,
        Corrputed in mind,
        Impure in body,
        Dark in the heart,
        Nonexistent soul.

        But he still was good
        In my heart,
        Because I felt him
        Through Seibzhen.

        In the end I had to kill him.

        Some tried to comfort me,
        By saying that the metal gear
        Was no longer my dad,
        That he had changed
        Too much to be
        The same loving man
        I knew before.

        But I knew,
        Inside my mind,
        My heart and soul,
        That it was him.
        I cannot just
        Clutch on to some
        Distant memory
        Of my father,
        Some idealized
        Version of truth.

        Although he's dead,
        He still lives.
        I know he will always be
        With me forever,
        Because I feel him
        In my gear.

        One day,
        When we fight for the world,
        When we win our wars,
        When peace prevails,
        We'll no longer need
        These stupid gears
        And a girl out there
        Will still have a father.
        To hug and to hold,
        To love and respect,
        To see and hear,
        And not just rely
        On a memory.


        I Emeralda.
        I from Zeboim
        It destroyed in crash long ago
        Kim was my dad.
        Kim Kim Kim!
        Kim Kim Kim Kim Kim!

        Now, I'm all grown up.
        Kim still lives
        In the man named Fei.
        And I am his daughter.

        Elly still lives,
        In our dear Elly,
        The one that I see
        Before my eyes.

        Four-thousand years
        Have passed with me,
        Being alone,
        No place to see.

        Cold, lonely, dark, dread,
        Sadness, aching, emptiness.

        No wonder I felt
        So hurt, so pained,
        When Fei did not
        Recognize me.

        I woke up
        After four-thousand years,
        And all I got,
        Were questions.

        It took work.
        I had to let go.
        To release the grip
        I had on my past.

        So Elly I left,
        So Fei I left,
        And to others I went,
        For comfort, for help.

        And once that was done,
        My answers were found.
        I could understand
        What this world was about.

        Now I am friends
        With everyone here,
        I love them all,
        Including Fei and Elly.

        The battle for the world
        Is not first in my mind.
        It is the love that I feel
        For the others around me
        That is always
        Premiere in my heart.


Ahead they voyage
To the darkness.
Ahead they charge
To win the wars.

To save the world,
The seven head forth,
Putting aside,
Their conflicts from past.

They fought, and they won.

Now they can think
About themselves,
No longer pressured,
To save the world.

You, my friend,
May think of them,
As heroes, nothing less.

You, my friend,
May see them as
Never like us.

But you must see
That they are people,
That think like us,
That feel like us,
That ache like us...

They are us.
And if these seven
Are like all humans,
Then who's to say,
That in you and I,
There is no trace,
Of being a hero?

Heroes come
In different forms.

Heroes are
Never alike.

Heroes are
The people that
We thank because
They help others love.

By John Moors

[Final Note: If you have any comments, I'd love to hear them! E-mail me at if you liked the poem. If you didn't like it, E-mail me and tell me what you didn't like so I can do better next time.]

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