Fanfiction by Matthew Emirzian

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By Matthew Emirzian,

"Wishing for Hope"

Chapter 3 :
Shifting & little Gods

There had been much change in the place of the world since the day humankind was set free. Those survivors realized that as they grew old and died, and so did their descendants. Even as people went about their lives, they always took note of the changing enviorment, assuming that since the earth never changed so much, it must be a sign of even the lands freedom.

No sooner had they begun dispersing across the lands did they notice that it was changing before their eyes, every few years or so, the land molded itself slowly, unwinding from a great power. As if the constraints of God itself had loosened, the land began to shift towards a natural, unordered state. Mountains moved, seas became rivers, rivers became lakes, ponds became oceans; a huge variety of all kinds of fantastic creatures were sighted in the seas and on land. The deeply inserted roots of God were slowly dissolving in the grand stream of time, shedding their encoded restraints.

Who among men would have imagined that in time, they would learn about the seasons. The warm, blushing autumn, winter, bringing snow to the people, spring, where life seemed to spring, and summer, the traditional season. At first, much of life was unaccustomed to the varied changes in season, and many plants died, only the hearty, resilient ones remaining. But eventually, through the determination of life, the world experienced a population explosion, of human culture especially.

As the subtle essence of human growth took root, new genuises took on the banner of technology and science, while three legendary sages went into permanent seclusion, cursing the world. They made the dire prediction that man would begin to enslave himself, having no God to watch over them. "Man will become a God to himself and ultimately commit suicide." One had said, before leaving forever into the unknown, taking his incredible healing technology with him.

As with many wide-spreading cultures, legends of old were told with great enthusiasm. A beautiful, white angel watching over the world, whispered among the corners of the ears, the breath of the lips, of those faithful of religion and God. It was said that this angel would one day bring about God's revival, although many people simply disregarded it as fable, especially coming about only in the past few years.

The legendary "Slayers of God" was told and retold across the lands, of people breaking free from an oppressive and demonic creator who made them in order to torture their souls for his evil pleasures. Then a group of legendary warriors came together and destroyed his body, letting his soul escape into the heavens as sign of humans compassion.

The orphans of God, those humans who had broken free, were beginning to flex their infant muscle of technology, and grow in size and number.

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