Fanfiction by Deona Lindholm

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By Deona Lindholm,
Shitan Uzuki Shrine,

"A Pair of Angels"

Chapter 9: Drills and First Operations

A second after Fei had told the others about the monstrous enemy coming down, they all heard a loud crash from the ceiling and looked up to see a Giant Gear that, as Aireel had stated, looked like a cross between a drill and a bomb.

She immediately clicked on a couple of switches and concentrated, restoring the defense on all friendly Gears within a minute.

"I thought only doc had healing abilities," Fei remarked.

"I have some, but not a lot," was her only reply.


Maitreya, Farrant and the others watched quietly as their young master, Aireel, Citan and Fei started the fight with the strange Gear.

Farrant looked at the monitor, trying to find a weak spot the others could use.

"Farrant, what do you think you're staring at?"

"Looking for a weak spot."


Fei, out of the corner of his eye, watched as Citan and Aireel attacked from their Gears. It seemed strange, but the way that they struck the giant construct were synch with each other.

A minute later, the enemy dug into the floor and traveled towards Citan.

"Citan, below you!" Aireel called out and started moving in the direction that it was approaching.

Citan looked down and stepped to the left, getting in a quick kick after the machine surfaced.

"Thank you," Fei heard the doctor say over the intercom, "Any information on this monstrocity?"

"According to Farrant, it's called Shpariel, straight from Gebler. No weak points seems to slow down for a minute after resurfacing," Aireel replied and winced as the machine rammed into her, knocking her backwards a bit.


Bart gasped as Striker started flashing after being knocked back and hit the machine with an attack he called Chain Whip, although this attack had little effect.

"I've had it with this turkey," he heard Aireel say, "Stand back."

Although her Gear was flashing as if it were about to explode, Aireel and Striker suddenly started glowing a bright red, as if she were gathering energy.

Bart nodded and started attacking the Gear again, figuring what was going on and said in the intercom, "I think she's charging one of her Flash moves. I've seen her do it before. We've got to protect Aireel while she charges her power. She only needs a minute or so."

"Then let's do it," Fei said and started his attack anew as well.

As Bart had said, a minute after the charge had started, Striker suddenly took to the air, firing beams of fire from the hands three times before corkscrew-diving at the Gebler Gear.

Fei and Citan had to turn their heads when the two gears connected, which caused a bright light and an explosion.

When they could see again, the giant Gear was now only bits of scrap metal and Striker stood some distance away.

"Is everyone okay?" Bart asked.

"I'm fine, but what was that she did?" Fei asked.

"I am unharmed...but I am also curious as to what Aireel just did."

"I saw it once before, on the way to the 4th Battallion's dockyards. We had been attacked by mutant beings and she used it to take them out. She called it Flash Comet. I also remember it took a lot out of her."

"Aireel...are you all right?" Citan instantly asked, a small tone of worry in his voice.

There was no reply.


For a few minutes there was silence...then the sound of light snoring resounded on all intercoms.

"She's asleep," Bart said with a laugh, "Oh well. Let's get these Gears back into the platforms."


Bart, Citan, Maison, Fei and Sigurd stood at Weltall's platform, the pirate seeming quite nervous.

"Th...thank....thanks...Fei," he managed to say.

"Don't know how we could have done it without you," Sigurd added.

The young pirate quickly took off while Fei said to Maison and the others that until he could decide what to do, he would go with the pirates, Citan and Aireel.

The doctor nodded and walked towards the platform where Striker was docked.

"Hey, doc," Fei called out, "Where are you going?"

He turned back with a half irritated/half amused look and said, "Would you rather I let her sleep in the cockpit?"

The young man winced and said, "I forgot...but ouch, no. She'd be too stiff to move."

He nodded and continued on his way, Sigurd following close behind him.

"I still think you care for her," the white-haired man said after they were out of earshot of the others.

"Yes, I a good friend."

"That's not what I mean, Hyuga, and you know it. You never were good at admitting some things, but you'd better look this one in the eye. It's obvious you're in love with her."

"That is enough, Sigurd. You know that I am married."

"That doesn't mean a thing sometimes."

"Are you still trying to matchmake me?"

He laughed and said, "A little payback for what you pulled a few years ago. Anyway...if you were re-arranged before we met, how come you're remembering all these things about Aireel?"

Citan sighed and said, "I think...she reversed the effects. But I would like to know why they did not want me to remember anything before I was nine."

Sigurd and the doctor arrived at the platform where Striker was at. It had not been easy for Citan to basically lead the Gear with the pilot fast asleep, but he managed.

He climbed up to the cockpit, opened the hatch and had to smile a little at the sight: she was still asleep with strands of red hair tumbled about her face.

"You should get some rest too," Sigurd called up to him as his friend came down, holding Aireel.

"I will as soon as I get her back to the bunks," he replied and shook his head, "Still a heavy sleeper...when she is exhausted, she may as well be dead to the world."

"If you say so...good night, Hyuga," the first mate replied and watched Citan walk away, carrying Aireel and muttered, "...even with glasses on, he's blind..."


The next morning, the group stood near the hatch leading into the Yggdrasil. Aireel seemed wide awake and prepared while Fei and Bart looked a bit groggy.

Citan listened as Maison and Sigurd explained where exactly they would be going, which was Bledavik, the capital of Aveh.

"We'll infiltrate the city and find out Margie's whereabouts," Sigurd explained.

"We would appreciate it if you, Master Fei, good doctor, Miss Aireel would come with us to rescue her," Maison added with a sheepish look.

"Well, when you're ready, we'll take off," Sigurd said.

"Hold on! I wanna say bye to the women first," Bart said quickly.

"I'll go on inside," Aireel told them with a wave and went down the hatch.

"I will do the same...I have taken care of what I needed to," Citan agreed and went after her.

"I'll be right with you," Fei called out and followed them.

Bart shrugged and went back inside the hideout.


A few minutes later, the Yggdrasil left the hideout, headed towards Aveh's capital. Inside, Aireel took a self-guided tour of the ship, now that she was well enough to do so while Citan and Fei managed to keep themselves busy on the bridge.

An hour later, Citan found Aireel in the Gun Room, chatting with Maison and working on something rather odd...that is, odd for her.

In her lap was a flame-red and orange outfit that looked a bit similar to the outfit she had on...except it was a little more elaborate.

"I did not know you tended to do sewing," he chided her with a smile.

"On occassion. This is something I'll be wearing in Bledavik soon and I was adjusting it a little," she replied, "Maison, isn't there supposed to be a festival going on there right now?"

"Right you are, Miss Aireel," the old man replied, "Aveh's Founding Festival. 500 years ago that country was founded."

"We might be able to use this to our advantage, somehow," Citan thought out loud, sitting down at a table.

She grinned and then muttered, "Some of this wouldn't be so rough if there was another female on board to help me hem this...but, oh well."

"Maybe I could get the nurse to help with--" Citan started to say when she glared at him.

"No thanks...the last thing I need is a lecture on moving about before I'm fully healed."

He chuckled a little and saw her get up, saying, "I'll go downstairs and try this on...I know Maison wouldn't but I'll say it in your case, peeking!"

Maison couldn't help but laugh as Citan said, "I would do no such thing unless it was to examine a patient," at that as Aireel walked down the spiral stairway and into a cabin.

A couple of minutes later, they heard the door whoosh open and saw her come up the stairs.

"Quite a nice outfit," Maison said, "Is it for the main part of the festival?"

Now that he saw the outfit on her, Citan saw that it was a strange variation of the clothing she normally wore, except this one had red feather-like parts throughout and more on the shoulder-sleeves.

"Yes, it is," she replied, "Last time I was at one of Aveh's fesitvals I was just a kid. Maybe I'll be able to get involved with the more grown-up events now."

"Remember," the doctor said, "We are here to rescue Marguerite."

She glared at him, offended and said, "I don't have a one-track mind."

Maison was afraid they would get into another argument, but was surprised when Citan said softly, "I am sorry, I did not mean to sound like that."

Hey eyes widened and she stared at him for a minute before saying, "It's okay....what do you think of the outfit?"

"It certainly goes well with you," he replied.

"Quite right, good doctor...and on such a lovely lady," Maison added, grinning a little inwardly.

"I agree," Citan said without knowing what exactly he was agreeing to.

Aireel blushed and said, "Oh, you! Flatterer..."

"Anyway," Maison remarked, "I heard from the young master that you used a powered up Flash power last night...really, if you use that energy like that too much, you'll really be in a bind...and you don't want the good doctor worried about you, do you?"

"He's the one that needs worrying about, not me," she turned to Citan and said, "You scared the daylights out of me."

He was still for a few moments, not replying, as if he were in a trance...just like before.

"Citan? Are you okay?" she asked.

The doctor wheeled on her with angry eyes and said, "I can take care of myself quite well without you!"

Her eyes widened and she asked, "Citan, what's gotten into you?"

He glared and said coldly, "Nothing that should not have happened long ago."

"Please...can't I worry about a friend dear to me?"

"What friend?" he asked, "What kind of friend were you to let me become that badly badly it cost me my sight."

Maison expected her to snap back at him, but she simply stared back at him, open mouthed, wide eyed and rather stricken.

After a minute, she ripped off the amber necklace she had around her neck, threw it to the floor and ran downstairs into one of the cabins.

The old man said in an unusually angry tone, "Doctor Uzuki...even considering your past, you went too far with that one."

Citan blinked, seemingly confused and asked, "What happened? Where is Aireel?"

"Do not play dumb with me. I know you and Miss Aireel fight a lot, but you went too far."

"I do not understand what you are saying. Another memory surfaced..."

Maison paled and nodded, saying, "I see..."

The doctor then looked down and saw the amber pendant with the chain broken on the floor.

"She..she said she would always wear this...Maison, what have I done?" he asked as he picked it up.

"You've hurt her very badly. She cares a lot about you and is only trying to look out for you. You should go after her right now."


Aireel sat on the floor near one of the beds, sobbing. What Citan had said to her had hurt worse than she imagined it would...

Why would he say such a thing now? And the exact same things he said 20 years ago... I thought he...I don't know what I was thinking.

She didn't hear the door behind her open or Citan walking in, gently carrying the amber pendant in one hand.

Her cries were ringing in his mind and were tearing him apart as he sat beside her on the floor.

"Aireel," he said in a low, shaking voice, "I...Maison told me what I said...a memory had resurfaced, a strong the 2nd class infirmary, shortly after the accident."

She didn't reply for a long moment.

"I...I do not..." he tried to continue, then shook his head, dabbed his eyes and wrapped his arms around her.


Sigurd came into the Gun Room a couple of hours later.

"Master Sigurd, what brings you here?" the old man asked, looking up.

"I'm looking for Citan and Aireel."

"They're downstairs," he simply replied.

"Thanks," he said and walked down the spiral stairway, guessing that they'd be in their cabins, and walked up to the one on the left and opened it quietly.

Inside, he saw both Citan and Aireel sitting on the floor in a close embrace.

"Ahem," Sigurd cleared his throat, causing the two of them to look up and stand.

"Ah...Sigurd, what's going on?" Aireel asked.

"We've arrived at Bledavik," he replied.

"I see," Citan said, "We should get going. Aireel, will you be all right?"

"Sure," she said quietly, "And I'll change out of this."

He nodded and both men walked out of the quarters.

"What was going on in there? I thought you said you were married and just a friend to her," Sigurd asked.

"It is not what you think, old friend, but I do not wish to discuss it."

"If you say so, but either you're blind or you're lying."

"What is that supposed to--" the doctor started to ask and then shook his head, "Why would I lie?"

"You tell me," the first mate replied as they walked out of the Gun Room.


Aireel, Citan, Bart and Fei looked about them as they stood at the brown, outer gate to the capital of Aveh.

As two of them had guessed, signs of a festival were everywhere: busy crowds, banners and signs above their heads and on the walls, music playing in the distance.

"It's noisier than I remember," Aireel said, wincing a little.

"Then again, it's been years since you were here," Bart said, "Some with me, though...hey, what's that little red package you're carrying?"

Aireel had changed into her usual blue and brown outfit and was carrying something relatively small under her arm.

"A change of clothes, I'll need them for later," she simply replied.

"All right," the young prince said, "Let's look around. We've got to find a way to locate and free Margie."

Fei nodded quietly, looking at the others.

"I'll have a look near the castle," Aireel said, "I have to take care of something there anyway...and it is relevant to this mission."

Bart nodded and Aireel waved before taking off.

"Now...the rest of us should split up and look for clues. I will be in the square, which Aireel said is south of the castle," Citan said to them.

"I'll stick to this area," the young pirate replied.

Fei looked surprised when Aireel came back towards them and said, "I was just talking to a strange lady. She said that we should go to," she pointed towards a large stone building, "that hotel there...mention her and we'd get a discount."

"That will help," Citan replied, "But why is she strange?"

"She wouldn't give me her name!"

He shook his head, a bit bemused and said, "Aireel, do be careful."

"I will, don't worry," she said and took off again, with Bart right behind her.


"What in the world do you want at the castle?" the pirate asked her.

"Well, I think you remember what the main event at this festival is, right?" she asked.

"Yeah...a type of tournament. Don't tell me you're gonna--"

"You're pretty bright yourself, pirate boy. While I'm there, I might be able to get some clues from the guards about your well as how to spring her without too much trouble."

"Oh, the others know what you're up to?"

"No, and you're not going to tell them, especially Citan."

"Hello," a woman behind one of the booths said, "Are you two here for the festival?"

"Yes, we are," Aireel said sweetly, which surprised Bart, "Why?"

"That's a rarity...there's a Tournament, you know. We rarely get people visitors nowadays due to the war going on," the woman replied a a pair of little children snuck behind her and removed some food.

One child whispered, "Hurry!" as the other gave the food to her.

The woman turned as the child with the food ran off.

"Hey! I know you stole some stuff, put it all back!"

"I didn't do anything," the child pouted and slowly spun around.

The woman was surprised when she found the child had nothing.

"See! You shouldn't make accusations without proof," the little child said and took off with a haughty "hmph!"

Aireel looked at the child's retreating back for a minute and followed close behind.

Bart saw her leave and muttered, "What's she up to now?"


As he walked up the stairs that the child and Aireel had walked, he saw the young woman talking to the children in a strange way.

"Ah, Bart," she said, "I was just talking to them."

"What are you up to this time?" he asked her.

"They did steal the food...but I understand why, too...their father's gone off in the war and they're trying to stay alive."

"They'd better give back the things they stole then," Bart replied gruffly.

Aireel gave him a withering look and removed a pouch filled with gil from her pocket and gave it to them with a little smile.

"Wow," one of the children said as she looked inside, "This is 2,000 gil! Thanks, miss and mister! We won't steal anymore. We'll work hard until out father comes home!"

She nodded and said, "I'm sure your father would be proud of you and he will be when he returns home," with a smile.

As Bart and Aireel walked away, the pirate said to her, "You're too kind, Aireel. Giving money to's wrong to steal, ya know?"

"Look who's talking, pirate boy. I'll go ahead to the castle now," she said and inwardly smiled as Bart winced.


At the front of Fatima Castle, Aireel walked up the stairs, looking about her.

As she had guessed, most of the outer area was fenced off and was divided into two different sections...just like when she was last here many years ago.

"You'd be proud to know this hasn't changed, father," she muttered and walked up to the wooden booth on the right.

"Welcome, miss. Are you here to register for the Tournament?" the man behind the booth asked.

"Yes, I am. Is there still time to sign up?" she replied.

"Sure is. Registration closes at midnight, so you're in plenty of time."

"Is there a registration fee?" she asked, smiling sweetly at the man.

"Uh...actually, there is one this late in the time but," the man stammered, "Pretty lady like, there's no fee for you, miss. Just sign right on in!"

"Why thank you," she said with a grin and took out a pen, writing something into the registration book.

"Nice name...real poetic, ya know?" the man said, flushing a little.

"Why thank you," she said.

"Y-You're welcome, miss. Be here early tomorrow morning."

"I will, thanks," she replied and took off with a little smile.

As she walked down to the square, she thought, I guess you were right, father...though everyone thought it was strange a male teaching his daughter how and when to use "feminine wiles"!


As she walked into the Shakkan Square, she was a bit surprised to see two people she recognized at the delver's tent.

"Fei, Citan!" she called out, "Fancy seeing you two here...figured you weren't the carnival types."

"Purely business," the doctor said to her after he turned around.

"Yeah," she replied, "Sure. What's going on?"

"This delver says that he can locate any and everything by delving in the unconsciousness...if he can find her," he started to explain when she nodded.

"Sounds good...though I never saw a delver that wasn't a fake."

He blinked at her, surprised, and said, "You do not look like a skeptic."

"Looks are deceiving," she replied and turned to Fei, who had his eyes closed, and the delver that was disappearing.

"A young girl," a voice that seemed to come from nowhere said, "locked up in a the citadel."

Aireel raised an eyebrow, amazed, but said nothing as the man reappeared behind the counter.

"I have returned," he said then turned to her, saying, "Ah, a lovely lady...If you like, I will delve into your unconsciousness...for a discounted prince, 25 gil!"

She thought for a moment and said, "I'll give it a shot," and handed over 25 gil.

He took the money and disappeared into her with Citan and Fei watching.

The voice said, "A dancing seek a person as well as a fate of the world...part of that is here, but he doesn't want to admit it, fighting the truth. The other...I cannot see..."

Citan raised an eyebrow, wondering just who he was referring to.

There was a shocked gasp and the voice continued, "You...your destiny is a very perilous one. Nothing you do will be able to change it...just as nothing he does will either. An angel...Kislev..."

The delver reappeared, looking rather pale and shocked as he turned to Citan.

" not want a reading, thank you," he said.

"No, I will not delve into you. I wish to speak to him alone," the man replied, causing Aireel and Fei to nod and walk elsewhere.

"What is it?"

"That young woman's destiny is very perilous. Death will come courting her often, and you must keep her from going with him. She is very important to the world and to you."

"How do you know that?"

"There are things and people that seers like myself just know once we see in our way. Just as I see that you have a strong destiny. I did not want to discuss her in front of the others...since there are a few things you would not wish to become known just yet."

Citan nodded.

"What did you mean about an angel and Kislev?"

"Oh, I cannot say on that further. To do so would be a bad idea, indeed. You'll find out that in time, but I can tell you this now: You cannot keep hiding or fighting the truth much longer. Soon, it will become known. The path ahead will not be easy, but I am sure you will do well. should go. Take down Shakkan, okay?" the delver asked.

He simply nodded and saw that Aireel had taken off when he rejoined Fei.

"Where did she go?" he asked.

"She said she was going to get some lunch and then take care of the hotel room. What did that guy say?" the young boy asked.

"I cannot discuss it. Is there something else, Fei?"

"Yeah. She looked a little smug when I asked her about what she was doing up at the castle."

He nodded and said, "I will probably ask her later. For right now, we need to find out about this 'Tournament'. It could be a way to rescue Margie."


A short time later, Citan, Bart and Fei met in the lounge of the hotel. Unknown to them, a strange woman dressed in blue robes was watching and listening near the steps.

"I don't see Aireel," Fei said, "Think she was able to get us a room?"

"I do not think so," Citan said then walked to the receptionist.

"May I help you?" she asked.

"Yes, have you seen a young woman, almost as tall as I am, very dark red hair, blue eyes?"

"Yeah, I saw her, trying to get a room for her and a group. As I told her, we're booked out," was the reply.

He nodded and thought, She was here....where could she be now?

"Ah, excuse me," a woman beside him spoke up, "Are...are you Prince Bartholomew?"

He turned and saw a tall woman in white and blue robes walking towards Bart.

A sister from a religious sect...from Nisan, I wonder?

Bart looked at her oddly and asked, "And you are?"

"I'm from the sect in Nisan. I'm here to check up on Mother Marguerite," she replied.

The others nodded quietly as she continued, "When you are ready, we can talk in my's the one upstairs at the right hand end."

"We appreciate it," Citan said, "But right now, a friend of ours is missing."

"She's up there right now," the sister replied with a smile, "I figured it would look suspicious if all of you were down here. Besides, she looked a little peaked....and people here can get a bit jumpy when they see someone from Kislev."

Fei nodded and followed the others, wondering how a nun could see at a single glance where someone came from.

As the nun opened the door, they saw Aireel sitting on a bed and looking out the window.

"So there you are," Fei said.

He and Bart didn't notice, but if they had, they would have seen a look of relief in Citan's eyes.

"But of course. Where else would I be?" she asked with a mischevious grin.

"I figured you were at the castle, trying to enter the--" Bart started to say as he walked to where Aireel was when she discreetly and quickly stepped on his foot.

"Are you okay?" Fei asked, "She said you were a bit tired."

"Nothing unusual," she replied as the young prince winced and glared at her, "I'm more used to nice, cool environments....even if they are smog-filled. The heat just got to me, that's all."

Citan nodded and said gently, "You lay back and rest, then."

She nodded and did as he told her while he and the others discussed what each had found during their investigations.

I'm still not completely recovered from that accident in the cargo ship, she thought, and using my energy to charge Flash Comet didn't help much. Well, after a good night's sleep tonight, I'll be back at full power. Just in time for tomorrow...

In front of her, Bart was still wincing from her stomping on his foot as he explained of finding a way into the citadel...via the waterworks system below as well as the key to the entrance.

"We will be using the Tournament to our advantage as well. Fei has already signed up and will be competing. Of course, I will be there to work the crowd," Citan's statement quickly grabbed her attention.

This just turned interesting. We're both in this...maybe while competing, I can find out some top secret info!

"Where will you be, Aireel?" Fei asked her.

"Oh, I'll be at the castle with Fei and Citan. While I was up there, I saw some interesting names in the registration book. There'll be a few people we already know over of them comes from Lahan."

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Positive. Record books don't lie. Oh, one other of the contenders is someone we met at Dazil, Fei...the loudmoth, Big Joe."

Fei groaned at that.

Citan nodded quietly and said, "All right then, we shall get started in the morning. We are now free to explore the town. Just do not be back too late."

The others nodded and all but the sister, Aireel, and Citan stayed behind.

"Not much for city-going, are you?" she asked as the doctor sat beside her on the bed and placed a hand on her forhead.

"Not as much as some people, are running a very light fever, but it is nothing that a proper dinner and a good night's sleep will not cure."

"Why don't you two go to the restaurant and order food for the two of you there? That way if something goes wrong, you would be right there," the sister suggested.

"Sounds good," Aireel said and sat up, "We've got some catching up to that we have enough time to do it."

Citan nodded while thinking, I do not really believe the delver when he said that death would come courting her, but he was right about the other things, then said out loud, "And I can keep this little firebird out of mischief."

Aireel winced a little then shook the sudden fear off, thinking, Nah....he wouldn't know...would he?

"Well? Shall we go?" he asked her.

"Just a minute, I need to change something quickly," she said and went into the side room, shutting the door.

A couple of minutes later she came back into the room and said, "Now I'm ready to go."

Citan stared at her, speechless.

"Oh, come on. All I did was let my hair down," she added, shaking her head.

"Yeah," the sister said, "But I think he's shocked that it would be that long. How do you make hair that's down to your legs look so much shorter?"

She shook her head and said, "Come on, Citan...dinner waits for nobody!"

The sister sighed as they took off and said, "Now there's another perfect couple...if only they'd admit it. Just like Bartholomew and Marguerite..."

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