Lyta's Gear

Deus Ex Machina

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Gear's Name 



Light Attack/ETHER Attack (Aerial Gear)


Lyta Anrius

Primary Function 

Attack and Long Range Surveillance (A.L.R.S)

Power Source 

Cold Fusion Reactor

Weapon Systems

Twin Particle Cannons (Slicing and Normal Beam Settings)
Aerod System (Dependent on Pilot)
IR (Image Recognition) Missiles (30)

Defense System 

Missile Counter Measures 
          ATM (anti-missile torpedo/missile) (5) 
          ECM (Layers 1-3)
Refractive Hull (Bounces radar away from Hyperion)

Engine Systems 

Two Modified Zebiom Steady Thrust Cool Run Engines 
Average Air Speed (800 mph) 
Average Low Altitude (180 mph)


Ultra Light Weight Beam Refactive Metal Absorbs 20% 
damage of beams.  Vulnerable to projectile weapons, and physical attacks.


Height: 60 Feet 
Length: 120 Feet 
Width: 50 Feet 
Tonnage: 30 Tons (Ultra Light Weight Beam Refractive hull)

Reactor Charge 
(Heat Related) 

Normal Operation: 24 Hrs. 
Battle Operations: 12 Hrs. 
Recharge Rate Normal: 1 Hr. 
Recharge Rate Battle: 2 Hrs.

Other Components

'Gate Key' Entrance generator- Renders Weapon Systems except Aerods inoperable for 15 minutes and engine speeds to 90 mph. Makes it possible for Hyperion to pass Shevat's and Solaris's Gates. Is also capable to temporary electronic disruption. (Low level EMP)
Automated Sickbay
Cargo Bay (Holds the Wing)
Bow Search Light
ETHER Amplification
Emergency Auto Repair System (E.A.R.S.)
Direct Link Chamber (DLC)- faster piloting can be achieved through here by way of linking the mind to the CPU/OS

Primary Mission

(Sealed data) Hyperion is capable if sending a virus into any computer system by way of communication systems. With this ability she usually will destroy targets by overruning generators and reactors. It can capture but only if the Pilot orders it so. Hyperion at current date of July 18, 498 uses this ability if the main OS is at shutdown status. (ie unconscious use)


Courtesy of Zebiom Weapon Databases
Lyta_Hyperion 1999

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