You know you have the necessary training, knowledge and experience to make it work. The only limitations are the financial restrictions and the available equipment  ....  we want to give you some resources to overcome them !
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                             TBSC - CONSULTING  is a partner of   ...

  A Global Network of Organisations working in Human Rights and Sustainable Development.

A good starting point is the link:   Resources on this site  !

Update News


Update from September 16, 2002:
We are supporting them by helping to find sponsors for PCs and related hardware / software for conservation and environmental groups in Africa; also for the setup of a training centre in East Africa. Our longterm know-how and experience in the field of practical computing and electronic data processing will also benefit them by providing support and advice over the Internet in the future - esp. for members of their foundation working on the spot.
See our pages:  Hardware wanted, Software wanted to find out  about what they are looking for.

URGENT appeal for "cover CDs" and "promotional" CD-ROMs !

Many computer magazines are sold nowadays with so-called "cover CDs" often containing valuable shareware, freeware and/or for promotional purposes full packages of commercial software (just the previous version to inform customers in-depth about the product and to offer them an incentive to buy the latest version).

For our purposes the latest versions are mostly not required - we would like you to check out your collected CD treasures gathered over the last 7 to 10 years and send us all those which you don't need anymore. This allows us to build up a large software library (also in many major languages).

Whether you have one or dozens of "cover CDs" - please e-mail us and we let you know where to send them. Everything is needed from DOS/Win 3.1 programs to Win95, 98, ME, 2000 and Win XP, but also for the APPLE and LINUX.

Please check out these old magazines, boxes and plastic bags - your old "stuff" could contribute a lot to the education of a student somewhere in the world.  Please e-mail us now:   Thank you !



DON'T forget !     You can download the whole website - see the link on the home page.

Update from July 2, 2002

During the last month we were developing a new marketing strategy to make the site better known - esp. at the "grassroots" level. We will keep you posted about this over the next weeks. Please help us to make the sources and resources known. Thank you.

Update from Saturday, May 18, 2002

Over the last four (4) weeks we have done some "soul searching", explored new ways to make our web site better known, esp. with those who need it. Before we add new content we want to focus more on reaching the people who need our support. This is not easy (as experience has shown us) because we rely on a chain of people to forward this website address.

Example: If we write to a school authority, a newspaper or a radio station in a country where our help could be needed then it is necessary that the message is spread to the grassroots level  ...

The people we write to are often in the position to do this in their respective countries. But this situation needs to be improved - we are working on some incentives for them.

Then we have performed a mailout in Auckland, New Zealand directed at schools to find out if they are willing to donate older, unused software to overseas recipients.

This was only a test run and we have learned a lot from it - the next mail outs will be planned better. OK - out of 150 we got two (2) positive responses, but this was not quite what we have expected.

Mistake No. 1 :

We have written to the school principals in the hope that they will forward our letter to the right person, but had mostly only the office e-mail address available. They receive too much information everyday and cannot cope with something like this. The person responsible for the schools IT and computer equipment is right partner - so we will try to get in touch with him or her in our next runs with a good subject line.

A little statistic:

150 messages sent out

~ 25 bounced back (wrong e-mail address because the address list at the MinEdu page for the schools is not up-to-date)
~ 25 responded with "Unsubscribe" - some with nasty comments (but then who cares about those after ten minutes ...)
     2 responded positive and we are in talks with them

~ 100 messages probably read by someone and found not worth an answer. Yes, it is easier to pick up the phone and make a donation to a charity for $ 5.-- or $ 10.-- - in our case is some work involved to help others (the cheque book is of not much use).

We keep you posted in these matters.

Update from Tuesday, April 16, 2002

Some minor changes on several pages.

We have started last week to promote this site with international organizations and approaching a series of schools regarding the donation of unused software or software made obsolete because of the developments in technology.

For the next two weeks we will focus on this and then report on our "Teams/Project" page.

Update from Tuesday, April 9, 2002

We have updated the following pages:

 teams.html                    (the NZ school project - how can their obsolete software put to good use world wide; please have a
                                      look at this page what we are planning )

 vocational_intro.html    (practical curricula development for all sorts of training, esp. for the construction area - we have
                                     gathered some ideas and useful links)

 enter.html                    (updated regarding our own software which will be provided FREE on a case to case basis)

                                    One of our products "MyNet - Anywhere !" is esp. useful for the development of curricula from
                                    sources on the Internet. Please visit the web site of:  or alternative:

New pages added:



Next update is planned for Monday, April 8, 2002 !

Our plans are:

- we will start with some MS-Windows programs ( 16-bit - 3.1, 3.11 ) - FREEWARE
- practice books for download (vocational orientation)
- more support for those who have only older equipment

Please visit us again next Monday !

Update from Tuesday, April 2., 2002

We have updated the following pages:

 vocational_software.html   (mainly CAD software - DOS and Windows resources, engineering software,
                                          tutorials, books for download and much, much more ...)

 utilities.html  (we have added CPU, memory, disk and troubleshooting utilities, which we have used ourselves; then
                     we have listed the access to more than 300 (!) disk (hard disk and floppy disk) utilities, esp. for older
                     equipment)               NEW PAGE !

 spreadsh.html   (we have added a lot of spreadsheet utilities - mainly for the DOS environment, spreadsheet applications
                          for DOS based machines (Freeware) and the access to a whole range of statistics software

 database.html    (we have added a whole range of resources for those who want to program in CLIPPER - the older
                           DOS versions )

 wordproc.html  (we have added a whole range of add-ons and wordprocessing tools, esp. for those who have older
                           wordprocessing packages like Wordperfect ... )

The whole web site can be downloaded form the home page - it is up-to-date  !

Next update planned for Tuesday, April 2, 2002 (after Easter Monday):

We will update the following pages:

 Vocational Software (with the focus on CAD - Computer Aided Design Software )

and introduce a new page:

 utilities.html  (starting with DOS utilities for CPU, memory, hard disk etc.)

March 25, 2002

We will have this week some new pages

 PC Repairs and Maintenance
 DOS Tutorials
 Vocational Software

The following pages will be updated:


March 22, 2002

 Major page with DOS related resources for educational purposes
 Educational Software - Link Page

March 18, 2002

The following pages have been updated or added (some are still under development) :

 Database Resources
 dBASE Resources
 Education (Introduction)
 Resources on this site ..
 Operating Systems
 Vocational (Introduction)

Only minor changes / beginnings have been made this weekend. The main development work will be done during the coming week.

                             TBSC - CONSULTING  is a partner of   ...

  A Global Network of Organisations working in Human Rights and Sustainable Development.


TBSC - Consulting
 Home Page  Software wanted  Software offered  Resources on this site
 Project Philosophy  Hardware wanted  Hardware offered  Link Page
 Teams/Projects worldwide  Other services wanted ..   Other services offered
   About us  ... / Contact
( These pages are permanently under development )       Printer friendly !

A good starting point is the link:   Resources on this site  !