"U" STREETS ~ 1900

Union av.
N. to S. from Bircher to Natural Bridge rd. continuation of Union Boulevard.

Union Place.
See Wicklow Place.

Union Boulevard.
From Forest Park north to Natural Bridge rd.

E. to W. from 2901 N. 22d to 2836 Glasgow av.

Unter den Linden.
E. to W. from River des Peres to city limits, in "Greenwood," bet. Mo. Pac. & San Francisco.

E. to W. from 7400 S. Wharf to 7400 Michigan av., and from 7401 S. Grand av. to Eugene av.

Utah Place.
E. to W. from 3301 S. Grand av. to 3300 Gustine av.

E. to W. from 3301 S. 9th to 330 Grand av. and from 3301 Gustine av. to 3300 Morgan Ford rd.


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