Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Warlord 50 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 10 4+

To guard against dishonourable use of Brotherhood troops by unscrupulous or avaricious Stronghold Lords, a Brotherhood is always led by a trustworthy relative of the Lord, known as the Warlord. A Warlord is trained from infancy to be a leader and act as a source of great inspiration to the Daewar he commands, constantly reminding them of their duty to their ancestors.

Options: The Warlord can be given any equipment allowed from the Daewar Armoury.

Retinue: The Warlord may be accompanied by a Hearthguard bodyguard and/or Living Ancestor advisor. See the Hearthguard and Living Ancestor entries for details.


Independent Character: Unless accompanied by a retinue, the Warlord is an independent character and follows the Independent Character special rules in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Leader: The Warlord is the heart of a Stronghold, and is a strong and charismatic leader. As long as the Warlord is alive, any Daewar unit with a model within 12" of the Warlord may use his Leadership value for morale and pinning tests.

A Warlord and his bodyguard advance at the vanguard of the Daewar army

Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Engineer Guildmaster 45 5 4 3 4 2 3 2 10 5+

The Guild Engineers are the technicians and scientists of the Daewar Strongholds, responsible for manufacturing the huge fighting machines and massive weapons of destruction. An Engineer Guildmaster has many special skills which make him an invaluable part of any Daewar fighting force, including the ability to repair and recover damaged machines on the battlefield.

Options: The Engineer Guildmaster can be given any equipment allowed from the Daewar Armoury.

Retinue: The Engineer Guildmaster may be accompanied by a Guild Journeyman bodyguard, and/or Living Ancestor advisor. See the Guild Journeyman and Living Ancestor entries for details.


Independent Character: Unless accompanied by a retinue, the Engineer Guildmaster is an independent character and follows the Independent Character special rules in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Repair: A Guildmaster is a master technician, and can attempt to carry out hasty battlefield repairs. This ability may be used at the start of any Daewar turn to repair an immobilised vehicle or a destroyed weapon on a vehicle that is in base contact with the Engineer Guildmaster. On a D6 roll of a 5 or 6 the vehicle or weapon is repaired and may move or shoot normally.

Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Hearthlord 40 5 4 4 4 2 3 2 10 4+

A Warlord often selects his finest and most able Hearthguard to serve him as his lieutenants in battle. These individuals, known as Hearthlords, are most often seen leading squads in battle alongside their Lord, but in some cases have been known to lead smaller Daewar battle forces when the Warlord is indisposed on other fronts.

Options: The Hearthlord can be given any equipment allowed from the Daewar Armoury.

Retinue: The Hearthlord may be accompanied by a Hearthguard bodyguard. See the Hearthguard entry for details.


Independent Character: Unless accompanied by a retinue, the Hearthlord is an independent character and follows the Independent Character special rules in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.


Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Living Ancestor 25 3 2 3 5 1 2 1 10 4+ (Invulnerable)

Living Ancestors take the field in small numbers with Daewar forces, drawn from either the stronghold or from the Engineers Guild, to provide sage advice for the leaders and psychic support for the warriors. Their psychic abilities concentrate on defence, but they are by not entirely incapable of attack.

Up to one Living Ancestor may be included in a Daewar army as an advisor for a Warlord or Engineer Guildmaster. The Living Ancestor forms a unit with the character he is advising or becomes a part of the character's bodyguard if present, and as long as the character is alive the Living Ancestor must remain within 2" of him at all times. The Living Ancestor and the character he accompanies count as a singe HQ choice. Note: a Living Ancestor may not be taken as an advisor for a Warlord or Engineer Guildmaster riding an Exo-Trike.

Options: The Ancestor Lord can be given any equipment allowed from the Daewar Armoury other than Exo-armour, Exo-trike and Daewar bike.

Psychic Powers: The Living Ancestor may have up to two of the following: Force Dome at +15 pts; Heal at +15 pts; Juxtapose at +10 pts; Wisdom at +10 pts.


Favoured of the Ancestors: The Ancestors of the Daewar race watch over and protect the Living Ancestor, giving him a 4+ invulnerable save (already included on profile).

Slow: Living Ancestors are ancient, even by  Daewar standards, and hence are unable move with any great speed. Any unit including a Living Ancestor on foot that wins a close combat may only consolidate; they will not be able to advance.

Sidecar: If the character the Living Ancestor is advising is riding a Daewar bike, then the Living Ancestor rides in a side car next to the bike at no additional cost. The Living Ancestor and character are two distinct models, however If the character riding the bike is killed, the Living Ancestor may attempt to make his saving throw - if successful he has survived the crash, treat the Living Ancestor as an independent character for the remainder of the game.

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