Powers of Networking

AVON District 1875

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Networking is choosing interdependence over isolation & realizing the power of cooperation over competition.

Power of Giving
   *The boomerang effect
   *Human nature is to "respond in kind"
   *Get your "giving power" into action
Power of Praise
   *Praise calls attention to the good, the helpful and
     the positive
        ~speak in person
        ~over the phone
        ~send notes
Power of Quality Connections
   *Clean up your communication connections
   *People being there for one another
   *More "people loyal" than "brand loyal"
   *Consciously build relationships with people who know
     people.  You are multiplying your reach.
Power of Interdependence
   *"I can do this on my own"
Power of Staying in Touch
   *Keep relationships close and connected
   *Make a point to call people and stay in touch;
   *It's just conversation
7 types of calls to cultivate your network
  1. the "reconnection" call
  2. the "follow through" call
  3. new contact or referral call
  4. the "thinking of you" call
  5. asking for support
  6. "how can I help"
  7. developing friendship

Power of Knowing You
   *Are you "it's all about you?"  As leadership reps, it
     needs to be all about them.
   *How can I be of value to others?
Power of small talk
   *Open the door to conversation
   *Show interest
   *Be curious
   *Small talk leads to connections
   *Expand your comfort zone
Power of Listening
   *the heart of communication
   *more than just hearing words
Power of Speaking Up
   *speak with pride and confidence
   *speak about what you can provide to them
   *30 second commercial