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"Many people worry about what other people will think of them. But few realize the world forms its opinion of us, largely from the opinion we have of ourselves." ... Les Giblin

Confidence is a key characteristic that we need to master if we are to be successful in this business, especially in the recruiting process.

The strange thing about confidence is that when we are, we are not conscious of it.Think back to a situation When you felt confident. When you are confident, you hardly think about yourself that's
because you're fully engaged in the situation you are in.

Most of us confuse confidence with "the feeling of certainty that things will go well".
Confidence is rather, the certainty that no matter what happens we will be alright.

Your Confidence will attract people to do business with you not because you're telling people that you are successful, but rather because of what they sense within you.

This confidence and ability to attract others begins with who you are: It is your honesty, integrity, and willingness to do for others, to Be a "Mentor with a servant's heart".

Zig Ziglar said "When you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want."
Too often we focus more on what we want and need, rather than focusing on our prospects, downlines, and customers.

You will be a real leader when you learn to take the focus off yourself and put it on your prospects, downline, and customers.

The secret to being confident: Feel good about yourself.  "When you feel good about helping others, you will feel better about yourself. When you feel better about yourself, you will project a
sense of confidence in the air that others will be attracted to."

Before you make contact with a prospect, Make it a priority to find out what they want and how you can help them achieve it..... Make sure that they know it!

Let your actions speak for you and let your actions speak as your personal opinion of yourself. Build your confidence and enjoy your journey to success.



"New ebook reveals why the majority of mlmers fail in their business...
It's a F.ree e-book called the 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing and it basically exposes all the myths and bad practices that cause the majority of mlmers to fail in their business.

posted April 1, 2007

A Motivational Story
Author Unknown

Peeking out from the corner of my desk blotter is a note, slowly yellowing and bent from time. It is a card from my mother, containing only four sentences. In it, she praises my abilities as a writer without qualification.

Each sentence is full with love, offering specific examples of what my pursuit has meant to her and my father. The word "but" never appears on the card; however the word "and" is there almost a half dozen times.

Every time I read it -- which is almost every day -- am reminded to ask myself if I am doing the same thing for my daughters. I've asked myself how many times I've "but-ted" them, and me, out of happiness. I hate to say that it's more often than I'd like to admit.

Although our eldest daughter usually got all A's on her report card, there was never a semester when at least one teacher would not suggest that she talked too much in class. I always forgot to ask them if she was making improvement in controlling her behavior, if her comments contributed to the discussion in progress or encouraged a quieter child to talk. Instead, I would come home and greet her with, "Congratulations! Your Dad and I are very proud of your accomplishment, but could you try to tone it down in class?"

The same was true of our younger daughter. Like her sister, she is a lovely, bright, articulate and friendly child. She also treats the floor of her room and the bathroom as a closet, which has provoked me to say on more than one occasion, "Yes, that project is great, but clean up your room!"

I've noticed that other parents do the same thing. "Our whole family was together for Christmas, but Kyle skipped out early to play his new computer game." "The hockey team won, but Mike should have made that last goal." "Amy's the homecoming queen, but now she wants $200 to buy a new dress and shoes." But, but, but.

Instead, what I learned from my mother is that if you really want love to flow to your children, start thinking "and, and, and..." instead. For example: "Our whole family was together for Christmas dinner, and Kyle mastered his new computer game before the night was through." "The hockey team won, and Mike did his best the whole game." "Amy's the homecoming queen, and she's going to look gorgeous!"

The fact is that "but" feels bad -- "and" feels good. And when it comes to our children, feeling good is definitely the way to go. When they feel good about themselves and what they are doing, they do more of it, building their self-confidence, their judgment and their harmonious connections to others. When everything they say, think or do is qualified or put down in some way, their joy sours and their anger soars.

This is not to say that children don't need or won't respond to their parents' expectations. They do and they will, regardless of whether those expectations are good or bad. When those expectations are consistently bright and positive and then are taught, modeled and expressed, amazing things happen. "I see you made a mistake. And I know you are intelligent enough to figure out what you did wrong and make a better decision next time." Or, "You've been spending hours on that project, and I'd love to have you explain it to me." Or, "We work hard for our money, and I know you can help figure out a way to pay for what you want."

It's not enough just to say we love our children. In a time when frustration has grown fierce, we can no longer afford to limit love's expression. If we want to tone down the sound of violence in our society, we're going to have to turn up the volume on noticing, praising, guiding and participating in what is right with our children.

"No more buts!" is a clarion call for joy. It's also a challenge, the opportunity fresh before us every day to put our attention on what is good and promising about our children, and to believe with all our hearts that they will eventually be able to see the same in us and the people with whom they will ultimately live, work and serve.

And if I ever forget, I have my mother's note to remind me.

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For a free eBook of James Allens classic:

September 07, 2006

Exploring All Possible Alternatives

By Dr. Robert Schuller
"There is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has
anything been kept secret but that it should come to light." - Mark

Wouldn't it be exciting to be the first person to discover a new,
previously unknown country filled with exotic birds, glorious
mountains, rushing rivers, and strange but attractive human beings,
previously untouched by civilization?

Life is never boring to the exploring mind.

The walk of faith offers this possibility to any person of any age.
The walk of faith is truly an adventure in living. When you walk by
faith you are in the process of becoming an explorer.

Faith is the mental process of exploring all possible alternatives
in goal-setting and problem-solving activity.

The shocking thing is, faith honestly does move mountains. Don't
deplore your situation; explore it - for hidden possibilities! When
we move forward and assume that a way will open up to achieve the
impossible, then suddenly it happens.

We discover an alternative route through what appeared to be an
impenetrable mountain range.

What appears to be the end of the road suddenly turns out to be a
bend in the road, leading through a narrow pass.

A new route to happiness is discovered.

A new path to prosperity is found.

A new secret of success is learned.

A new approach in communication is acquired.

A new profession is developed.

A new belief system moves into your thinking.

A new experience with God is encountered.

Keep exploring and you'll keep discovering the secrets to exciting

God blesses the explorer, for this is faith in action!


July 2, 2006

This document has been place on the 'Downloadable files' page of this website.  This will be a good piece to give to your downline.