Escape Into My World

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Home Sweet Home

It's only a couple of rural acres, this place where I live, situated just outside the urban areas east of Seattle, WA, USA, but it's heaven to me. My name is Liz. I'm 76 going on 55, a Virgo, a widow, semi-retired, and could possibly be the oldest "girl" in iVillage--but I'M not counting yet! LOL!

My family is grown; two daughters, 4 grands, 2 GGrands, all living in WA state. My sister and her family live in central British Columbia. I drive up at least once a year to vacation, visit, camp, fish, travel, and enjoy family reunions over and over again. What more of a life could one ask for? Why, perhaps a computer, the Internet and, the Women's Network!

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Further down the driveway, you get a better visual of the pear trees in full bloom out front....


And here's some blossoms up close! Can't you just smell them? And reach out and touch their soft petals?


I am pictured here  under a maze of pear blossoms beside my new van. This was taken shortly after I drove it home.