T.C. McMullen's Disillusionment Series

Daughter of Gods
Revenge of the Gods
Starlight and Judgment
The Freedom Wars
Curse of the Gods
Earth Map in 4327


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Here you will find artwork and book excerpts direct from the author/artist.




T.C. McMullen's
Newest Series



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Autographed: email T.C. at tcmcauthor(at)hotmail.com for details!


Revenge of the Gods

Now Available!
Autographed: email T.C. at tcmcauthor(at)hotmail.com for details!





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Autographed: email T.C. at tcmcauthor(at)hotmail.com for details!




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Autographed: email T.C. at tcmcauthor(at)hotmail.com for details!




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Autographed: email T.C. at tcmcauthor(at)hotmail.com for details!




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Autographed: email T.C. at tcmcauthor(at)hotmail.com for details!


Book Seven
The final book of the series!


Now Available!
Autographed: email T.C. at tcmcauthor(at)hotmail.com for details!



What is this series of books you ask?


In 2005, I completed the Manipulated Evil Trilogy. Those characters drove the story and sent me into the research of ancient civilizations.


Though the trilogy was complete, my fascination with humanity's oldest culture was not. Study of the Sumerians proved difficult due to the often hard to find information on the first known modern human culture. Despite being the first, Sumerians had records for sale, law (including divorce) and schooling. They had the Sumerian King List that had once been thought fiction but as research continues, some of the names on the the list have been proven historically correct.


So, I ask, if some names are historically proven, why would others in the same Sumerian record be false? From what I learned, it seemed they were thought false because of the age the first kings lived to be.


When kingship was first handed down from Heaven, in Eridu, Alulim ruled for 28,800 years and Alalgar ruled for 36,000 years. In Bad-tibrira, Dumuzi, the shepherd, ruled 36,000 years. Dumuzi's name came up in another book I found dealing with Sumerians - Zecharia Sitchin, in his books, mentions him being a young son of Enki and beloved of Inanna.


Pretty incomprehensible to think of a king ruling for that many years, isn't it? So it must be fiction... But as any good fiction writer thinks - what if it's not?


I won't go into full details of what I have discovered of the Sumerian beliefs thought to be myth and fiction. If you want to know, check out The Earth Chronicles and The Lost Book of Enki by Zecharia Sitchin. 


I'm not claiming fact or fiction to what I have researched, I have my own opinions, but what I found led me to create a story not to happen for another 2,000 years. The characters that resulted have become some of my favorite since I started writing novels in the early 1990s.


The Disillusionment series begins with Tryn Brye Annis, the descendant of her people's strong leaders and guardians, but her family has been ripped apart, some murdered, others, including herself, enslaved by people descended from those who fled Earth as it suffered through turbulent climate changes and continental plate shifts. Those who return believe themselves higher than the Inaut they find to have survived when they come back to Earth for the precious minerals and resources.


The series starts with Tryn's release from slavery where she ultimately finds love but also dire danger that ends with the death of a god. This sends the world, her people, and herself and her future children and theirs on struggles for survival, freedom and self-discovery.


If you are interested at all in the beginnings of modern humanity, or just have a love for meeting characters who grow and change through the course of tragedies and hope, you'll enjoy these stories, I promise you. 


Check back often as I will be adding many things to this site as time allows and will introduce the characters and the world and cultures they live within.



All Text and Artwork on this site is Copyrighted.
©2009-2013 T.C. McMullen