Pathways of Unity
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More of Unity Walker's Writings . . .

The Upward Spiral


                        I have sought for you, my Creator,

                                    on every path and byway I have trod,

                                                only to find You , My Sun, within -

                        within leaf and flower, in the ocean's roar,

            in grandeur of mountain, on my soul's desert floor.


In the hidden parts of my heart, prayer's secret closet,

            I've found my Beloved, my true brethren and  parents,

                                    all clearly of royal lineage--not of  pedigree,

                                                but of the blood of purity

                                    and of flesh incorruptible.


                                                Within I have found the Universe,

                                    my own true self at home.

            I grow upward and outward

                        from the I AM core of my being

                                    to encompass the whole--I AM--

                                                from microcosm to macrocosm.

                                                            I give thanks to the author of life...



. . .We are part of a universal dance, a quantum leap of joy orchestrated and coreographed  by the Great Spirit, who I sometimes imagine (in all loving respect) as wearing a harlequin's costume of  rainbow colors with tinkling bells and twinkling stars hanging all around.  He is smiling, singing, and laughing, this Great Giver of Joy.  This Divine Being, our Eternal God, shape-shifts, gender-splits, and rejoins Itself endlessly, spinning off countless Selves as It performs the dance, experiencing Itself on all levels, remaining timeless, constant, and without shadow of turning.  He is seen in every face, every being, in every bit of matter.  She is Thought; She is Light; She is Energy engaged in a dance of all-encompassing love and boundless mercy, of Omnipotence and Omniscience manifest as the Kingdom of Light and Love within our very souls . . . .




Now, if this relatively unlettered nurse, ex-housewife, ex-follower of the world's ways, ex-fundamentalist religionist may be so bold as to suggest an alternative definition of man as entity to those presented by Webster, Oxford, American Heritage, Bantam, Penguin, et al, I will now do so.  Here goes:


Man, as defined by Unity (expanded version):  Man is a hologram composed of a thought of Eternal God.  That thought is made up of Light (God the Father), Sound (Logos, God the Son), and the indefinable and invisible breath and matrix of life called the Holy Spirit (God the Mother)--one God, three aspects. 


First a coded blueprint, manifest as DNA, is ideated by Divine Mind and sent forth as pure thought to serve as a lens through which the spoken Word of Creation and the Illumined Thought are projected.  The image is then refracted through various universal channels (perhaps stars, planets, galactic sectors, etc.?) into different rays, densities, spectrums, and vibrations, which are recombined as DNA, thus generating a three-dimensional image of the human being in its intended spiritual, physical, and mental form. 


Then the Holy Spirit, who has been brooding over and guiding this whole process, breathes its quantum breath into the three-dimensional creature, giving it life, movement and the seed of Divine Mind and compassionate nature, thus making it an active, sentient being.  Moreover, this being, because it is a Creator-being made in the image of its Father God, because it retains and replicates the DNA mechanism projected into each one of its cells, is able to regenerate itself.  Its variant forms occur through the process of recombination of the various energies and mental, spiritual and physical attributes contained within each individual of a mating pair. 


Because man/woman-kind was given dominion over his environment (an attribute of Divinity inherited from Father/Mother God), DNA is mutable or liable to change through the directing thoughts of its host being.  In other words, humankind is forever changing and mutating itself and its environment according to independent thought processes via the attribute of free will.  We have thus, over eons, engendered the diversity of so-called races and of physical, mental, and emotional attributes within the races. 


Nonetheless, mankind retains the ability to reproduce between the "races," proving that all so-called races of man, both material and ethereal, are one and the same species, none being superior or inferior as some common thought insists.  There can be no such thing as a half-breed or mixed breed in earth-bound humanity, else the resulting "hybrids" would not be able to reproduce among themselves.  Humankind of varying hues successfully does so, as compared to the failure of other, most notably mammalian forms to reproduce in kind when hybridizations are attempted.


Man is of one race, the God-Man race!  In this realization, we are now moving out of the illusion of the 3rd. dimension into consciousness of thr 4th, and even the 5th. dimensions.  GLORY BE TO YOU AND ME!   


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