Pathways of Unity
Peaceful Anarchy

A Gentle, Peaceful Anarchy

There is a peace the world would see as anarchy. It is a peace that quickly, silently, and without conflict can topple mountainous and gluttonous giants of industry and finance. It is a peace that would non-violently decimate the war machine and render jobless its employees and executives, its kings and presidents, its generals and soldiers. It is a peace that cannot be negotiated between men or temporal governments, but only realized within. And it must be fully realized within before it will manifest on earth.

There are many activists and organizations that do much good work, following a sane line of respect and tolerance for all, even for those they idealistically oppose. But there are many constructs and institutions of our society: central governments and their leaders; certain religious institutions, with their elitist doctrines of separateness; certain types of social agencies and organizations often unthinkingly wield totalitarian-style interventionist programs of ecological and sociological renewal, hate-mongering consumer watchdog groups and political activism groups.  You know, the ones who commit violence in the name of peace? Who let their anger and zeal dilute and nullify all the good they would do? Well-meaning as they are, and as necessary as they may be for our time as a vehicle to resurrect the higher consciousness of humanity~~these will all pass away in the light of the Anarchy of Peace.

Though such groups and movements may have the best of intentions and are taking vital steps toward rightmindedness, they operate with the premise that we can use ego's methods (politics, institutions, laws of men) to make ego's illusions more comfortable~~or to somehow correct those illusion. Their methods are generally quite palliative in intent, but they often do not get at the root problem to cure it. It is clearly an illogical idea that ego can provide comfort and cure for the problems ego created. Ego's methods serve only to perpetuate the illusion that created it, thus slowing our return to our Fathers house (the consciousness of unity and love) and the return of Paradise to this orb.

For when the "anarchy" of inner peace has come at last, the ego constructs of men striving for specialness will lose their usefulness and meaning. This is the peace that USED to pass all human understanding, but which is now being revealed in the hearts of human brothers everywhere.

False societal constructs of ego-driven mankind that are wombs of self-aggrandizement and power mongering are prone to corruption. They may now seem necessary to unregenerate humanity lost in a barbarian illusion of separateness and conflict. But soon they will come to be seen as just what they are, mere illusory houses of cards constructed around fearful thoughts. Most of these institutions and constructs of ego will come to be understood as having been mere stepping stones in consciousness to the real world that underlies this one built of fear.

When we, the proponents of Peace & Unity begin to truly walk what we talk and (quietly, without fanfare, hardly noticed) begin to slip out from under the false constructs of ego, then Peace will begin, at last, to reign. When Peace takes over, and not at all through force, these constructs will fall of their own inherent flaws and cumbersome weightiness (again quietly, without fanfare, hardly noticed). Awakening humanity will rejoice at its release from slavery to the institutions of commerce, consumerism, and war that taught us the false notion that to love unconditionally is foolishness and that Peace is unattainable.

When Peace at last takes over, it will be because the preponderance of the thoughts of men have become thoughts of Peace, Love, & Unity. Even those formerly at the top rungs of the ladder of temporal success, the king pins and movers and shakers of the former world of material consumerism, will be shouting for joy, "Free at last, free at last!"

When Peace takes over it will mean the restoration of Unity, the coming of the New Heaven and the New Earth, the Second Coming of Christ, the Buddha Lotus within, now born again in the hearts of all of us who have hidden our Lights under coats of materialistic skins, layers and layers deep, perhaps because we were ashamed in our dream of being separate from our Creator, having perceived within ourselves the darkness of that thought.

Underlying this world we created out of the mists of illusion is a world of incandescent Beauty and Peace, where Creation and not chaos is the order of every Holy Instant.

This is what we await to be birthed in the hearts of ourselves and our brothers, when at last we will see each other as One, inseparable, yet still numerous and unique Creative Lights emanating from our Father/Mother of Lights, Co-creators with It of the true world and countless worlds to come. Awakened from our dream of separateness, we will at last attain Peace through Unity/God Consciousness.
As Jesus the Christ said, "The Father and I are one." This Truth is the progenitor of Peace in the hearts of men. It was seen by the religionists of that Jesus' day as blasphemy.  But we now know it as The Way.

We are now moving into the realization that we are, together, now, ALL contained within the ONE God, We are ALL Bodhisattvas, all Christs-in-the-making. We are awakening now, at first fitfully for most of us, to the reality that the Divine Child, the Buddha, is being RE-birthed in us through the renewing of our minds. The cobwebs of illusion are being gently pushed away as we begin to regain rightmindedness and move again toward the Holy Vision, which sees all as One in the Source of All Being. And we can now say, as the wholly guiltless, wholly sinless, Holy Son of God, "The Source and WE are one!!"

So I walk, now quietly, sometimes haltingly, occasionally mournfully (usually joyfully!), in a sequestered place of Silence within, waiting for God-consciousness to arise in both myself and my brothers of the Unity of All in One, yet not denying the reality of this world or the many pleausures of the senses. This guides my footsteps upon a well-lit path, guided by an inner light and with the protection of the angels of God, to spread the gospel of Unity and Peace. I hope to show, through example and not just words, that we can regain open vision as in the beginning, before we took on "coats of skin." I garner strength from the inner Holy of Holies, trusting that I will  teach as I learn and live what I teach.

I will speak as I go of Forgiveness, the last necessary illusion that will bring us to Unity and Peace. Forgiveness extended, even to seven times seventy, to all our brothers~~even our Afghani and Iraqui brothers~~will HEAL THE WORLD COMPLETELY. My intent is to teach, by example, walking, sleeping, and waking, the Truth that this world we see is not the world we were created for. But it is rather a world of illusion that we have created through the mistaken misuse of the power of God Mind/Spirit within us.

We have collectively and individually created a false mind of this world that supports itself and strives to validate its own existence. This false mind is the ego, nothing more and nothing less, and is not real, but part of a dream of unconsciousness in which we are collectively engaged. True sight, through the "single eye" that fills the whole body with light, the Vision of the Divine Within, of Christ and of Buddha, of the true selves of all men everytwhere, will return to us as we renew our minds to Peace and Unity.

As a proponent of the Anarchy of Peace, I will approach no one to proselytize, nor will I force my viewpoints on anyone. I trust All That Is to bring to me all who need to share in what I am learning by teaching--and teaching through the learning of it. I will walk this walk until I am approached with questions. I will extend Love to all, including seeming adversaries I may meet along the way. And God willing, I will not pass from this body until its usefulness as a tool to extend love is past and the New Heaven and New Earth have shifted into our collective spiritual consciousness.

A baby boomer grandmother with an empty nest, I encourage my peers with expendable time to do as I am doing~~ that is, IF they hear the Voice for God calling to them in the Silence to live the life of voluntary inner simplicity and to walk the walk of faith--for the sake of the Good News that will gently and lovingly replace this illusory world with the real one.

Jesus said that anyone who wanted to save his life must lose it--and that the one who would give up his (consciousness of temporal) life for the sake of the good news of the Kingdom Within, would find life Eternal. It is through this voluntary relinquishment of attachment to the life of ego vanities that we regain the True Vision for ourselves and all our brothers. Some call this enlightenment, as the Buddha, Krishna and others have taught. Some call it being born again. I call it simply a return to human sanity.

Now we walk forward, leaving the land of the consciousness of the lie of "original sin," looking ahead to a new consciouness of "Original Innocence." How beautiful are the feet that carry the gospel of peace.


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