Welcome To Angel Fan's Buffy and Angel Home Page

Last up-dated February 26, 1999.


These are my other pages:

Laheara's Xena Home Page

Hear my ROAR

Deepwater 7's DWB/Mission Genesis Home Page

Sinbad Fan's Adventures of Sinbad Page
The ep guide is up now

Heather's TITANIC page
Sounds, pics and news

Heather's Man In The Iron Mask Photo Gallery

Backstreet Boys

Pics and Sounds from all pages
Not complete yet

Honor, Forgiveness, and Love (Ever After)
Sounds, pics, write-up on characters, links

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NEW TIMES in Canada

Buffy is on Monday night at 8pm on ASN, Friday night at 12am, and Saturday night at 9pm on YTV, here in Eastern Canada.

This site will be dedicated to the entire cast, but mostly the relationship between the hot couple,Angel and Buffy.

Sorry I've been gone for so long but I'm back now. New links and new pics. Some sounds are coming too.

Angel's New Show
So long to Angel. To bad he had to go under such bad circumstances. But fear not we will see the Adorable One again. Angel is staring in a new WB TV show that will start in Fall 1999. Cordielia is leaving BtVS (debatable now), and joining Angel in LA in this series.

The show is all about his life after his soul was returned. Buffy and friends will have appearances on his show and he will still be visiting BTVS in memories and day dreams. I know more but, hey.

All of his fans wish him luck in this new series and we'll be watching. If anyone would like to know about this new series e-mail me.

Check the Links section to see what is here.

    What is here NOW?:
  1. The NEW Buffy and Angel pic
  2. Picture Gallery Parts 1 & 2 of cast, mostly Angel
  3. Episode guide: listed up to the first of March now!
  4. Angel and Buffy Story Histories
  5. Full Cast Bios Including one on Mrs. Summers
  6. Links to Buffy and Angel sites and a link to the Angel Web Ring 1 More
  7. An Easy Trivia Quiz to test your Slayer knowledge. Thanks to everyone who answered. I'm going through them now.
  8. Fan Fiction Archive, all the authors are listed her
  9. Dialog from shows that I liked

My up-dated Episode guide on here NOW!

Click on the graphic to vote for this
page as a Starting Point Hot Site.

Hey, I won a HOT SITE award, is this cool or what?

I will evidentually have sounds on this page. So here is a taste of what is to come:

"I don’t like spiders OK? Their furry bodies and their sticky webs. And what do they need all those legs for anyway? I’ll tell you, for crawling across your face in the middle of the night, uuua." - Willow, 1st season

"I’m not worried. If there’s something bad out there, we’ll find you’ll Slay, we’ll party." - Xander, 1st season

I am a member of a few more Web Rings now (I'll add tomorrow):
(if any of these have been cancelled can someone tell me)=)

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The Angel Fan Ring was created by Jimmy
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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Webring

The Sarah Gellar Fan Ring was created by Brian Hwang
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[Index Of Sites In The Slayer's Lair Webring]

List of Angel And Buffy Links:

The Offical Buffy The Vampire Slayer Site: Includes: bios, galleries, posting board and chat rooms, quiz, postcards, episode guide, and mythology
Direct to the Posting Board: Read others views, submit your our opinion, and meet LOTS of ANGEL lovers.
Sarah Michelle Gellar: Lots of stuff on her (Buffy)and other cast, past credits, pictures, not much on Angel.
Angel's Loft **New Address**: Great photo and sound gallery, bio and the home of AGA. Also a link to the ANGEL WEB RING.
Teengirlz' Buffy Ream: Pages on all cast members, gallery, STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION.
VampKira's Lair of Buffy : Lot's of Links, and cast write-ups.
My History's of Angel and Buffy: Both peoples past history and a picture
My Trivia Quiz: Test your knowledge on the Easy quiz right now
My Episode Guide: Write ups on all the shows in order
My Photo Gallery Part 1: Shots of the cast
My Photo Gallery Part 2: More shots of the cast
My Other Cast Bios: Write-ups on the cast members, other then Buffy and Angel.
Sonja Marie's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Links: Links to every site you could ever want including this one, up-dated every Monday and Thursday.
For Every Generation their is only one Slayer: Personal, Fan Fics, WAV of Slayer story.
The Archive: All the great and new writers stories listed by author. Up-dated every day.
For Every Generation their is only one Slayer: A lot of quotes from the show, by character and in goups.
Master's Undead List Questions: All the queston that fan wonder about, and ask continuously. No answers just questions. You have to ask.
Animated Alyson Embarrassment Sequence: Very slow while downloading, but fast when repeating.
The #1 Buffy Page: Sounds from "Angel", clubs.
Star Crossed Lovers: Lots of quotes from the show, also home of the Buffy mailing list. Great sound page in Multimedia.
Monster Page Of Links: put in sections, everything is on there. CHECK IT OUT.
XenaGab15's Slayer Page: A cool new site, CHECK HER OUT.
Kate's Home Page: Lots of Links, cool pictures, and a Buffy survey and another non Buffy one.
Kristy's Buffy Site: Links, pics, LOTS of stuff, and a link to the Angels Web Ring she started
Buffy Homepage: Lots of links, cast bios, pictures. Kristy's FIRST page. A little different layout, same stuff.
David Boreanaz: Angel Love: An All NEW Angel page, his e-mail is mailto:angellove@writeme.com, go check it out
Official Anthony Stewart Head Fan Club: Also known as the GASPERS
That's Just Life On the Hellmouth: New page
Heather's Buffy Page: New Site

Angel Fan

Truro, Nova Scotia

You are Buffy and Angel fan to visit this page since June 24, 1997.