Jacqui's Genealogy
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This page was last Updated on the 5/9/2000
Ok time to take away this sites Zimmer Frame and spruce it up.
I can't believe I've left my site so long. I've added a link here as to my happening these past 5 years, not a day by day follow up so don't run off too soon! Also I will be going through my pages one by one deleting broken website links, also adding and updating new ones I find. Sorry for failing to keep my site updated, but I'm back.
Introduced 23/10/2005
Hints and Tips Homepage
If you have just started out in Genealogy or you are having problems finding places in the UK with the right information then here's a place to try. I have introduced what I think in a useful source of information concerning Genealogy. I have started a Hints and Tips page which include Public Record Office Addresses, what documents are held at which Public Record Office, a free download for a demo of family tree maker, how to arrange your documents, how to use certificate to their advantage, much more to be added.
Introduced 22/2/99
Downloadable Genealogy Software
Here I have added some great downloadable genealogy software to suit all genealogical needs, from building your family tree to writing a biography about your ancestors. Some of the software is free, some you have to pay a small registration fee. I have added a discription of the software, the size and how long it takes to download, also added is the price of registration so you don't feel cheated before you download. Check them out to see which suits you the best.
Introduced 10/4/99
Family Genealogy Online
This is a Great Site with a wealth of information, visit the peoples site to find sites devoted to individuals, families, or organizations, also the Places site to find sites devoted to particular nationalities or ethnicities, not forgetting the Resource site to find sites designed to help genealogy researchers, and finally visit the Product and Service Site to find organizations which provide commercial genealogy products or services.
Introduced 1/8/99
My interest in Genealogy started around 1991. On a visit to one of my relatives. I saw a picture of a man in full army uniform, the picture intregued me, I vaguely remembered it from when I was a little girl, then didn't ask who it was, this time I did. It was a picture of my Great Grandfather John Alexander Fraser.
I have introduced a new site dedicated to Fraser's of various spelling.
Updated 6/8/99
Family Trees Online
Here in the near future, I hope with your help this page will blossom and grow. I am trying to get together with fellow Genealogist who have their Family Trees online or who are thinking about it, to email me the website that their Family Tree is situated and together with the surnames they are seeking I can add them to this page to share with hopefully what will turn out to be some distant cousin
Introduced 14/8/2000
Headstone Photo's
This is a great site to visit if you live far from a place where an ancester may have died. This site currently has 12 Countries covered and thousands of volenteers willing to take photos all over the world. This website is a resource for people who want photos of headstones in places they cannot themselves get to. We DO NOT collect photos for the site! We only provide a link between people who want photos and people who can take them. It is also after Volenteers like you to take photos of nearby graveyard headstones you don't have to have already taken pictures. What you do is take
pictures when someone contacts you for help.
Introduced 2/8/99
List of Links
I have now put together a site full of links, concerning the paths I am following in tracing my family tree. I have 3 tables full of great links, a Scottish link table, a Lancashire table and a Canadian table
If you are tracing your family tree and have links concerning the surname Fraser, or have a lineage from Scotland, Lancashire or Canada.
Updated 9/4/99
As my family tree unfolded and my excitement grew with each new find, my husband started to get interested in following his linage, and since I had time on my hand between waiting for documents and other research information, I started to help him unfold his family history, and found that it was just as exciting tracing his side as it was my own, so I ended up doing it more or less on my own, and I have actually traced his family tree back further than my own, as well as finding two very distant relative online who is also tracing the same lineage, and now we are in regular contact and helping each other fill in missing pieces in our family tree.
Isle of Man Genealogy
List of Genealogy Bulletin Boards
Do you have any genealogical information that you would like to swap or share with others? Here I have put together links to different Bulletin Boards I have tired to cover everything surnames, countries, war, religion, genealogy software and out of print books. I have also added a A - Z Countries Bulletin Board.
Introduced 15/3/99
Check this out for links to great Genealogy sites.
I have put together a large table of miscellaneous links to different Genealogy sites. A must to visit for all walks of Genealogist life.
I have now Added a List of Links to other peoples List of Genealogy Links.
I have also added a Hotlist of site full of not so popular Genealogy sites, covering UK, Ireland + Scotland Genealogy Links, Native American Genealogy, Italian Genealogy, Civil War Genealogy, Kansas Genealogy Links, Polish, Irish, German, German-Russian, German-Prussian and Prussian Genealogy or Backgrounds, plus many many more.
Please Email me with any other genealogy site that you think are worth adding.
Updated 20/3/99
Latter Day Saints
If you are constantly looking through LDS file or have to wait to get the particular file you want, then let the internet do the searching for you. All you need to do is add the name of the person you are looking for and add the parents name (if known) to refine the search and let the internet do the rest. Be Prepared to visit this site often!
Introduced 25/4/99
Lookup Exchange
If you are you having problems looking for documents or information from another Town or Country. If the Places you are searching information for is in England, Wales, Scotland, Isle of Man, or you are looking for general information that is about the British Isles, then here are some links to Lookup Exchange where people have volunteered to help you out.
Introduced 8/3/99
Help Needed
Here is a Page for people who need help and don't know where to go, by adding a page here it is possible that the right person could come across it. If you haven't got a website of your own and would like me to make a page, send me what information you would like to be shown on the page and I'll do the rest, just email me.
Introduced 15/8/2000
Which search engine is the best?
Here is an all in one search engine. All the search engine on one page, and it gets you there quicker and easier.
My Very First Award
Super Cyber Site Award
Stardust Web Excellence Award
This Page is always under Construction
Updated 5/9/2000
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Please spare me a moment by signing my guestbook, and let me know your views of my page.
I am alway on the look out to add more things to my website to make it as helpful as possible, if you have a web page that you think may be of some interest to me, maybe there is something you'd like to see on my page then please let me know. If you have trouble accessing any sites please e-mail me and I'll check them out.
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