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 Literature -

 Empty Words








 4 Letter Word


 My Pretty


 Describing The Dawn



there's nothing i love more than pictures of two people kissing
open mouthed
eyes closed
heart burning.
i think it's one of the most beautiful positions of a human frame.
and i feel the kiss when i see it.
and i can't begin to go on about him this time
he's bigger than me. 
and he holds me.
melts me so.
and we kissed all night
till dawn i promised him my flesh
lips tongue teeth tongue lips neck face
and eyes smoldering into eyes
and i tilt my head back and watch the stars
and he puts his hands in my hair, pulling it away from my face
where he rests his chin on my forehead and blows onto
 and kisses my eyelids.
and i think
this cannot be real.
i am loving you right now. 
and it's been so long
since i was held
in love
not lust
not some hot wave of anything just preparing for more.
you are content with my presence.
and i could set you free for that alone.
and you hold me
tight embrace, so close
and you rub my head through my hair
twinkling my eyes.
and remember walking hand in hand, fingers enclosed
sitting outside
you told me you wouldn't let me fall. 
and you didn't.
you picked me up instead of waiting for me to slip.
and then i left and my heart 
she wept because i know this is something
and it was
because you came around again
and again again. 
and on my way out you held me tight tighter 
tightest asking when i was
when i was free
when you'd see me again
and i shut your eyes with my hands and told you i would.
and we kissed. more mouth more lips.
and called it the end for now to be continued later on
and i see you coming here more and more. and it makes me happy
and my heart jumps when i  think the way i do without you
but then my mind slows my pace and i want to cry
what if we are just two lonely very lonely people
just being satisfied.
and it scares me.
