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Highlands Ranch High School - Mr. Sedivy
Highlands Ranch, Colorado

Colorado History

- Colorado History -
Colorado Geography Ativities / Worksheets

Mineral Names

The history of Colorado is, in many ways, a history of the mineral discoveries within the state. It is only natural to expect some names related to minerals to become place names.



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1. Stone from nearby quarries gave this town south of Carbondale its name.

2. South of Ouray is this town named for the areaƕs silver strikes.

3. Well west of Montrose is a town whose name combines parts of the names uranium and vanadium.

4. Southwest of Ouray is a town named for tellurium.

5. North of Leadville is this town named for quartz deposits.

6. Stones in the area gave this town northwest of Limon its name.

7. Silver gave this town southwest of Canon City its name.

8. West of Boulder is a town bearing the name of an area mineral.

9. South of Florence is a town named for coal deposits found there.

10. West of Wolcott is another mineral named town.

11. North of Buena Vista is a great silver producing town whose name givers credit to a mineral other than silver.

12. Between Aspen and Glenwood Springs is found a town named for area lava deposits.


Note to PC users: (Macs should be OK.) If the puzzle above doesn't fit and read line-for-line,
change your browser from GIGANTIC TYPE to medium (16pt) or small (14/12pt).

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- Colorado History In Depth -
Lecture Notes, Reading, and Information:

| The Cheyenne Migration to Colorado |
| The Gratlan Affair, Massacre, Fort Laramie Treaty |

The Cheyenne Social Club
| A Cheyenne War Story: Wolf Road, the Runner |
| Cheyenne Traditions and Beliefs, Sacred Stories |
| Horses, Warriors, War Pipe, Sweatlodge Ceremony |
| Cheyenne War Parties and Battle Tactics |
| The Scalp Dance and Other Cheyenne Dances |

Fort Union
| The Sante Fe Trail and Fort Union |
| Sumner - Ninth Military Department / The First Fort Union |
| Early Arrivals to Fort Union, Daily Life at Fort Union |
| Captain Grover - The New Fort Union, the Confederate Threat |
| Fort Union Arsenal, William Shoemaker, End of Fort Union |

Americans from the East
| Thomas Jefferson, the Louisiana Purchase |
| The Expedition of Zebulon Pike |
| Pikes Peak or Bust / Colorado Gold Rush |

Colorado's Role in the US Civil War
| The Civil War, Fort Wise / Fort Lyon |
| Mace's Hole, Colonel Canby, F.C.V.R. | Fort Weld |
| The Pet Lambs, John Chivington |
| General Henry Sibly, Battle of Valverde, Fort Union |

Cripple Creek District Labor Strikes
| The Western Federation of Miners / State Militia |
| The 1893 - 1894 Strike | The Strike of 1903 - 1904 |
| The Mine Owners Association |
| Crimes and Military Rule in the Cripple Creek District |
| Marshall Law in Cripple Creek District / End of the Strike |
Early Cripple Creek District
| Photos, Fire, and Life in Cripple Creek |
| Other Colorful Towns in the Cripple Creek District:
Gillett - Colorado's Only Bullfight, Victor, Independence
| A Guide to the Miners' Gritty Lingo |

More Colorado History Information
| Bent's Fort Photos, Personalities, Plans, and More |

| What Was Easter Like at Bent's Fort? |
| Colorado Trivia, Miscellaneous Old Photos,
Western Personalities, Forts, and More

| Lullabies for Jittery Cows - Cowboy Ballads |
| Heraldry of the Branding Iron |
| Project Aims to Clear Infamous Cannibal, Alferd Packer |
Lead Gives Alferd Packer's Story More Weight |
| Legendary Colorado Love Stories: Baby Doe Tabor & More |
| Colorado Pioneer Women: Elizabeth Byers |
| Early Denver Jokes / The History of April Fools' Day |

Colorado History Book Review Info
| Colorado History Book Review List |
Sample Critical Book Reviews

| Bent | Summit |

Colorado History Research Activity
| Sand Creek |

Colorado Geography Activities / Worksheets
| Colorado Map Activity | Mountain Passes | Mining Camps |
| Mineral Names | Fun Names | Indian Names | Spanish Names |

Relevant Colorado History Movies - Viewer Worksheets
| Pueblo Cliff Dwellers | Little Big Man |
| A Man Called Horse | Jeremiah Johnson |

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Highlands Ranch High School 9375 South Cresthill Lane Highlands Ranch, Colorado 80126 303-471-7000

Mr. Sedivy's History Classes
| Colorado History | American Government | Advanced Placement Modern European History | Rise of Nation State England | World History |
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