Clan Gtar (Gtar)
Cardinal Clan of Carnage (CCC)
Civil Order (civil)
Dirt Kickin Freaks (dkf)
Evil Inc. (-e.i-)
The Elven (elven)
The Yakuza (YKZ)
Kingdom of Darkness (KD)
Wargamers Regiment (War)
The Infinity Watch (IW)
Bearers of the Iron Crown (BIC)
The Temps (Temp)
Dragon Blade Legion (DBL)
Final Reign (FR)
Death or Honor (-DoH-)
Vincere aut Mori (VaM)
Lucifer's Knights (LK)
Wutang (~Wu~)
Bamboo Fighters (Killer)
Knights of Eblis (KofE)
Geezers from Hell (GfH)
Tripple Nipple 1 (TN1)
The Seraphs (TS)
Mac Gamers' Guild (MG)
Hand of Lathandar (HoL)
Medieval Soccer Hooligans (MSH)
The Majestic Dragons (MaD)
Altus Praeses (ap)
Liquid Wu Warriors (LWW)
The Light Brigade (tLB)
Cross of Valor (CoV)
Knights of Camelot (KoC)
Seattle Times Eleet Hacker D00dz (d00dz)
Warhammer Combat Clan (WCC)
Carnators (CAR)
Brotherhood of kroD (kroD)
The Forsaken (*TF*)
Queens Own Thrall Regiment (QOTR)
Watership Down (-WD-)
Voracious Rabbits (vr)
The ~SOS~ Alliance (SOS)
Ancrik (Criks)
Blade of Thorns (BoT)
Ascension (A)
Snap, Krackle, Die! (snap)
Dwarven Cannibals (DC)
Tripple Nipple 2 (TN2)
Aleph Naught (-AN-)
The Companions (~C~)
Arch Mages of the Tower (AMotT)
Ancient Warriors (AW)
Bloodied Axe (Axe)
Satanic Army (SA)
2oooX (2oooX)
Dark Stalkers (DS)
Kung-Fu All-Stars (KFAS)
Immortals Without Souls (iws)
Mortal Kombat (MK)
Hell's Angels (HA)
Destruction Eternal (de)
Ack Attack (ACK)
Legion of Kraus (LoK)
Dwarven Elite Strike Force (Desf)
Order Me Another Guinness (OMAG)
Rabble Forces (RF)
The Mythical Korps (MTK)
Soldiers of Tyr (SoT)
The Violators (-V-)
The Night Brigade (#CP#V)
Archer Punch (#CP#A)
ArchAngels of Hell (AofH)
The Kingsguard (Kg)
Crimson Legion (+CL+)
Men of Rohan (MoR)
Clan of the Bear (cb)
Clan Plaid Dwarves (#CP#D)
Pimento Loafers (ploaf)
Foundation (*F*)
Fight For Christ (FFC)
Swedish Bastard Squad (SBS)

Generated by MWCgen: Sat Aug 29 15:33:11 1998