Points/Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Proskopos 15 3 3 4 4 1 2 1 8 -

Squad: The squad consists of between three and eight Proskopos.

Weapons: Pneumatic pistol and pick.

Options: Any model may replace their pneumatic pistol with a pneumatic rifle for +1 pt.

Up to two models may replace their pneumatic pistol and pick with: power pick and pneumatic pistol at +10 pts; rock drill and pneumatic pistol at +15 pts; hand incinerator and pick at +4 pts; seismic gun at +10 pts; incinerator at +10 pts; pneumatic carbine at +5 pts.

The entire squad may be given any of the following: seismic grenades at +1 pt per model; blind grenades at +2 pts per model; incinerator bombs at +4 pts per model.


Infiltration: In the right circumstances Proskopos can work their way into a forward position on the battle field. To represent this, as long as the mission allows Infiltrators they may set up using the Infiltrators rule. If the mission does not allow Infiltrators then after both sides have deployed but before the first turn takes place the Proskopos squad may make a 'free move' of up to D6+6". 

Cover: Proskopos are able to make extremely good use of what cover they can find. To represent this, they have a +1 modifier to cover saves: in most cases this means they receive a cover save of 4+ instead of the usual 5+.

Points Front
Astrapi 130 14 10 10 3

Astrapi may either be bought as a transport upgrade for another unit, or bought for use on its own. If bought as a transport upgrade for another unit it may only transport the unit it was assigned to (independent characters that join a unit Astrapi may also travel in it), otherwise the Astrapi may not transport a squad when it tunnels onto the battlefield.

Type: Tank, Tunneller

Crew: Demiurg

Weapons: Heavy rock drill and two seismic cannons in side sponsons.

Options: Both seismic cannons may be replaced with incinerator cannons at a cost of +10 pts each.

The Astrapi may be equipped with any of the following vehicle upgrades for the cost listed in the Demiurg Armoury: searchlight, smoke launchers.

Transport Vehicle: The Astrapi can carry up to six Demiurg (count Ktinos and models in Eklekti Armour as two models).


Tunneller: An Astrapi may always be placed in reserve, even if reserves are not normally allowed by the scenario being played, and enters play using the Deep Strike rules.

Drill Attack: Astrapi are able to use their heavy rock drills whilst above-ground to attack. When attacking, Astrapi follow the rules for walkers in close combat.

Movement: Although able to move rapidly whilst tunnelling underground, an Astrapi is slow and cumbersome when above-ground. Astrapi can move up to 6" a turn. They must always move straight ahead, and at the end of the move can pivot up to 90º.

Rough Terrain Capable: An Astrapi can re-roll any failed Difficult Terrain tests.

Fire Points - 0.

Access Points - 2: The Astrapi has two side hatches which can be used as access points by the passengers.


Points WS S Armour I A
Front Side Rear
Dromos 100 4 5(10) 14 10 10 2 1

Each Dromos must be assigned as a transport upgrade for another unit and may only transport the unit it was assigned to. Independent characters that join a unit Dromos may also travel in it.

Type: Tank, Tunneller

Crew: Demiurg

Weapons: Heavy rock drill, twin-linked pneumatic carbines.

Options: The Dromos may be equipped with any of the following vehicle upgrades for the cost listed in the Demiurg Armoury: extra armour, searchlight, smoke launchers.

Transport Vehicle: The Dromos can carry up to ten Demiurg (count Ktinos and models in Eklekti Armour as two models). It is always taken as a transport upgrade for another unit and may only transport the unit it was bought for.


Tunneller: A Dromos may always be placed in reserve, even if reserves are not normally allowed by the scenario being played, and enters play using the Deep Strike rules.

Drill Attack: Dromos are able to use their heavy rock drills whilst above-ground to attack. When attacking, Dromos follow the rules for walkers in close combat.

Movement: Although able to move rapidly whilst tunnelling underground, a Dromos is slow and cumbersome when above-ground. Dromos can move up to 6" a turn. They must always move straight ahead, and at the end of the move can pivot up to 90º.

Rough Terrain Capable: A Dromos can re-roll any failed Difficult Terrain tests.

Fire Points - 0.

Access Points - 2: The Dromos has two side hatches which can be used as access points by the passengers.

All original concepts © Krinos. Last modified 06-10-01. Disclaimer: This website is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. Warhammer, Squat, Astronomicon and Skaven are trademarks of Games Workshop Limited,and are used without permission. No challenge to their status is intended.