Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Kyrios   4 4 4 4 3 3 2 10 4+

Options: The Kyrios can be given any equipment allowed from the Demiurg Armoury.

Retinue: The Kyrios may be accompanied by a retinue, chosen from one of the following: Eklekti squad, Stratiotis squad, Epithesi squad. The Kyrios and his retinue count as a single HQ choice.


Independent Character: Unless accompanied by a retinue, the Kyrios is an independent character and follows the Independent Character special rules in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Leader: The Kyrios is a strong and charismatic leader. As long as the Kyrios is alive, any Demiurg unit with a model within 12" of the Kyrios may use his Leadership value for morale and pinning tests.

Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Stratigos 40 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 9 4+

Options: The Stratigos can be given any equipment allowed from the Demiurg Armoury.

Retinue: The Stratigos may be accompanied by a retinue, chosen from one of the following: Eklekti squad, Stratiotis squad, Epithesi squad . The Stratigos and his retinue count as a single HQ choice.


Independent Character: Unless accompanied by a retinue, the Stratigos is an independent character and follows the Independent Character special rules in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Master Strategist: A Demiurg force including a Stratigos may re-roll the dice if the mission being played has a dice roll to see who gets first turn.


Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Michanikos X 3 3 4 4 1 3 1 9 4+

Options: The Michanikos can be given any equipment allowed from the Daewar Armoury.


Independent Character: The Michanikos is an independent character and follows the Independent Character special rules in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Specialist Wargear: Each Michanikos in the army allows the Demiurg force to take one of the following upgrades. No more than one of each may be taken.

Master-Crafted Weapons: This upgrade may be taken for any one Demiurg squad or character at an additional cost of +15 pts (regardless of number of models in the squad). That squad or character may re-roll one failed to hit roll each turn, either shooting or close combat.

Master-Crafted Armour: This upgrade may be taken for any one Demiurg squad or character at an additional cost of +25 pts (regardless of number of models in the squad). That squad or character may ignore the first failed armour roll each turn.

Bio-Combat Drugs: This upgrade may be taken for any one Demiurg squad other than Eklekti squads at an additional cost of +5 pts per model. The squad may fleet of foot instead of shooting during the shooting phase, and pursue/fall back as normal (ignoring the usual short-legged rule).

Homing Beacon: This upgrade may only be taken by a Michanikos at a cost of +25 pts. Whilst the Michanikos is alive, the homing beacon allows the Demiurg force to re-roll up to one failed reserves roll each turn.

Seismos Field Generator: This upgrade may only be taken by a Michanikos at a cost of +35 pts. The seismos field generator may be used once per game at the start of any Demiurg turn. Place the ordinance template within 12" of the Michanikos - until the start of the next Demiurg turn any troops or vehicles under the template are protected by a Seismos field as described in the wargear section.

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