Arcturas Stronghold
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Unit Composition
Demiurg 3 3 4 4 1 2 1 8 4+ Infantry 5 Demiurg

Squad: The squad consists of between five and ten Demiurg.

Weapons: Pneumatic rifle.

Options: Up to two models replace their pneumatic rifle with one of the following: incinerator gun at +10 pts; seismic gun at +10 pts; pneumatic carbine at +5 pts; incinerator cannon at +X pts; seismic cannon at +X pts; pneumatic cannon at +pts; pneumatic gatling at +X pts.

The entire squad may be given seismic grenades at +1 pt per model.

Character: The squad may be led by an Igemonos bought separately from the HQ or Elites section of the Army List.

Transport Vehicle: The entire squad may be mounted in a Dromos bought separately from the Fast Attack section of the Army List.

Points/Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Demiurg 12 3 3 4 4 1 2 1 8 4+

Squad: The squad consists of between five and ten Demiurg.

Weapons: Pneumatic pistol, pick, seismic grenades.

Options: Up to two models may replace their pick and pneumatic pistol with: power pick and pneumatic pistol at +X pts; rock drill and pneumatic pistol at +X pts; incinerator pistol and pick at +X pts; seismic gun at +X pts; incinerator gun at +X pts; pneumatic carbine at +X pts.

The entire squad may be given any of the following: flash grenades at +X pts per model; incinerator bombs at +X pts per model.

Character: The squad may be led by an Igemonos bought separately from the HQ or Elites section of the Army List.

Transport Vehicle: The entire squad may be mounted in a Dromos bought separately from the Fast Attack section of the Army List.

Points/Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Demiurg 12 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 5+

Squad: The squad consists of between five and ten Demiurg.

Weapons: Pneumatic rifle, seismic grenades.

Options: Up to four models may replace their pneumatic rifle with a seismic gun at +12 pts. In addition, up to one model may replace his pneumatic rifle with a seismic cannon at +X pts.

Character: The squad may be led by an Igemonos bought separately from the HQ or Elites section of the Army List.

Transport Vehicle: The entire squad may be mounted in a Dromos bought separately from the Fast Attack section of the Army List.

All original concepts © Arcturas. Last modified 07-05-14. Disclaimer: This website is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. Warhammer, Squat, Astronomicon and Skaven are trademarks of Games Workshop Limited,and are used without permission. No challenge to their status is intended.