Auxiliary Weapon: These are basically a one-shot weapon attached onto another weapon, giving the Demiurg a choice of two weapons to fire instead of one. An auxiliary weapon may only be fitted to particle rifles, and may be either a one-shot incinerator gun or seismic gun. A model with an auxiliary weapon may choose which of the weapons he is going to use in the shooting phase, however the auxiliary weapon may only be fired once per battle.

Blind Grenades: A unit carries enough Blind Grenades for one use during the battle. A unit cannot assault on the same turn it uses these grenades and they are used in the Shooting Phase, instead of firing any weapons. Until the start of the player's next turn, the unit will count as being in cover, receiving a 5+ Cover Save. Because they count as being in cover, they will also strike first if assaulted, unless the enemy is armed with something like Frag Grenades or the Banshee Mask.

Eklekti Armour: A model wearing eklekti armour receives both a 2+ armour save and a 6+ invulnerable save. Note: a model wearing eklekti armour may take either the regular armour save or the invulnerable save, but not both. A model wearing eklekti armour always count as having not moved for the purposes of determining weapons fire. The armour is somewhat heavy and cumbersome, so eklekti armoured Demiurg that win a close combat may only consolidate; they will not be able to advance.

Incinerator Bombs: Troops armed with incinerator bombs may treat any hits they score in assault with a vehicle as close range incinerator gun hits (strength 8, additional D6 for armour penetration, choosing the highest result). However, incinerator bombs need to be primed and clamped on, so each model using them makes only one attack and doesn't count bonus attacks for charging, extra hand weapons, etc. Incinerator bombs can be used in a Death or Glory attack against a tank attempting to overrun.

Incinerator Weapons: Incinerator weapons work by superheating their target to the point where they combust and burn to ashes. Hits by incinerator guns and cannons (but not incinerator pistols) at half range or closer may roll an additional D6 for armour penetration against vehicles, choosing the highest result.

Master-Crafted Weapons: A master-crafted weapon follows the normal rules for the weapon, except that you may re-roll one failed to hit roll per turn. Master-crafted weapons are taken as an upgrade for a weapon that is already being carried by a model and should be represented by a suitably ornate weapon on the model itself. Please note that you may not master-craft grenades.

Pneumatic Weapons: Pneumatic weapons are adaptations of Demiurg mining tools which utilise high-powered compressors to fire 'projectiles' of air. Such weaponry has somewhat limited range, as further range requires correspondingly larger compressors, however Demiurg have adapted several variations for use as weapons.

Repair Kit: A Michnikos equipped with a repair kit can attempt to carry out hasty battlefield repairs. This ability may be used at the start of any Demiurg turn to repair an immobilised vehicle or a destroyed weapon on a vehicle that is in base contact with the Michanikos. On a D6 roll of a 5 or 6 the vehicle or weapon is repaired and may move or shoot normally.

Rock Drill: A rock drill counts as a power fist, but any hits against a vehicle roll an additional D6 for armour penetration, choosing the highest result.

Flash Grenades: Any unit charging or charged by a unit equipped with flash grenades strike at half their Initiative (rounding down) for the first round of the combat.

Scanner: A scanner is used to detect hidden enemy troops. If enemy infiltrators set up within 4D6" of a model with a scanner then that model is allowed to take a 'free' shot at them (or sound the alarm in a Raid scenario). If the model is part of a unit then the whole unit may shoot. These shots are taken before the battle begins, and may cause the infiltrators to fall back. The normal shooting rules apply.

Seismic Grenades: Upon impact, seismic grenades release a series of intense gravitic pulses which temporarily stun and hinder anyone entering the immediate area. As a result, any model charging a unit equipped with seismic grenades does not count as charging, and receives none of the bonuses which they would normally receive from charging (+1 attack, etc).

Seismic Weapons: Seismic weapons create a miniature earthquake which creates havoc in a straight line to its target as the ground is broken and earth sent flying into the air. When a seismic gun or cannon is fired, draw a straight line out from the model to the weapon's maximum range - any model crossed by the line will be hit on a roll of 4+, and any vehicles are hit automatically. Any unit suffering a casualty from a seismic gun or cannon must take a pinning test as if hit by a barrage weapon.

Seismos Cannon: A Seismos cannon is an artillery-sized seismic weapon, and is fired in the same way as a regular seismic weapon, except any hits caused count as Ordnance weapon hits, and cause Ordnance pinning.

Siragka Mortar: Siragka mortars fire large-bore tunnelling shells with tiny robotic guidnce systems which surface at a given point and explode, showering the area with shrapnel, rocks and dirt. The Siragka mortar is fired as a regular barrage weapon, however each time a Siragka is fired roll a D3 and add 3 to the result: this determines both the strength and armour penetration for that attack. When a vehicle is hit by a Siragka shell roll for armour penetration using the shell's strength and rolling for armour penetration as for an Ordnance hit. Because Siragka shells tunnel through the ground and emerge underneath the vehicle, roll against the vehicle's rear armour for penetration. 

Thyreos Shield: Thyreos shields are huge shields taller than and nearly as wide as a Demiurg. In addition to the protection of their armoured plating, they also each incorporate a tiny Seismos field generator, creating an additional invisible shield. A model equipped with a thyreos shield always counts as being in cover, and hence gains the benefit of a cover save, and will strike first in close combat unless being charged by a unit with frag grenades or something similar.


Incinerator Warhead: Incinerator warheads are a common upgrade for Demiurg vehicles. They are treated as a one-shot close range incinerator gun shot with unlimited range.

Mithrillium Plating: Some Demiurg vehicle crews add additional armour plating to their vehicles to provide a little extra protection. Vehicles equipped with mithrillium plating count 'crew stunned' results on the Vehicle Damage tables as a 'crew shaken' result instead.

Pintle-Mounted Pneumatic Carbine: These weapons are fixed to the outside of a vehicle and can either be used by a crewman from an open hatch or by remote control from inside the vehicle. They are treated as an extra pneumatic carbine that can be used in addition to any other weapons the vehicle has. Note that this means that a vehicle that moves can fire one weapon and the pintle-mounted pneumatic carbine.

Searchlight: Searchlights are only of any use in missions where the rules for night fighting are being used. They allow one enemy unit spotted by the vehicle to be fired at by any other Demiurg that are in range and have a line of fire (the enemy unit has been illuminated by the vehicle's searchlight). However a vehicle that uses a searchlight can be fired on by any enemy units in their next turn, as they can see the searchlight shining out into the dark.

Seismos Field: Seismos fields create a shifting gravity field around a vehicle in order to ward off incoming shots. Any model shooting at a vehicle with an active seismos field must add 6" to the range to represent the effect of the additional gravity on the incoming shots.

Smoke Launchers: Some vehicles have small launchers mounted onto them that carry smoke charges (or a more sophisticated equivalent in the case of skimmers). These are used to temporarily hide the vehicle behind concealing clouds of smoke especially if the vehicle is moving out in the open. Once per game, after completing its move, a vehicle with smoke launchers can trigger them (it doesn't matter how far it moved). Place some cotton wool around the vehicle to show it is concealed. The vehicle may not fire in the same turn as it used its smoke launchers, but any penetrating hits scored by the enemy in their next shooting phase count as glancing hits. After the enemy's turn the smoke disperses with no further effect.

All original concepts © Krinos. Last modified 06-10-01. Disclaimer: This website is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. Warhammer, Squat, Astronomicon and Skaven are trademarks of Games Workshop Limited,and are used without permission. No challenge to their status is intended.