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Title: DNA - Designer Genes
Objective or Purpose: To learn about specific animals in the animal kindom, and apply Punnent squares to the gene pool that they can imagine.
Activities: Pre-class work, brainstorming.
Lesson Design Teacher Procedure Student Activities
Anticipatory Set
Journal writing and review comments, questions, and discussions.
Journal activity - Write down in your journal, What are traits that are apparent in small animals like cats, mice or rodents? Why do you think they look similar to their sisters, brothers, mother, father, or both? How do you think this miracle happens?
Listen, and start your journal activity immediately. This activity should be answered completely, given a lot of thought, and must be brought to a conclusion in 6 minutes.
Input and Modeling
Introduce the "stuff needed for success", and show what they need to know.
Keywords: DNA, RNA Deoxyribosenucleaic Acid, Amino Acids, Ribosenucleuic Acid, Double Helix, single helix, genes, traits, Mendel Squares, Dominant, Recessive, pea plant, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, parents, grandparents, great grandparents.
Listen, see, and take notes.
Guided Practice
Show-em how it's done.
Diagram how to create, and calculate a Punnent square. Have the class do the same diagram at their desk, and properly label and predict the trait outcome. Diagram a family tree, and what is involved in creating this family tree. Use the activity to predict an F1 generation, and the F2 generation.
Hear, see, do - The students are to start their word find activity and complete it before the end of the period.
Comparisons and wrap-ups
What are the similarities between an egg in the animal kingdom, and a seed in the plant kingdom? If there is time, use a Venn Diagram to show similarities and differences. Just as DNA works in the plant kingdom, it works the same in the animal kingdom. The duplication process continues into the family tree.
Listen to the summary of the day's class, and note what homework is posted for the next class period.
Independent Practice: Think of some traits in your family, like baldness, light skin, dark skin, curly hair, dark eyes, light eyes, etc. Trace this through your family by asking your parents. If possible, create your own mendel square on specific traits that you have observed. See if you can predict what will happen with your children. Think about your future spouse, and traits you think they may have.
Extension to the lesson: Why do blue eyes and brown eyes sometimes come out as hazel eyes - somewhere in between? Create a mendel square with possible solutions. Research Gregor Mendel on the Internet
Duration of the lesson: Approximately 49 minutes.