An excellent Spring activity!
All seeds of any kind, Grass seed, avocado, flowers, and peanut seeds.
Build a tabletop frame, and after you plant them, place the plants into the frame, and wrap the entire table in saran wrap. It makes a good viewable greenhouse, and keeps hyperactive tikes hands off the growing process!
They start to germinate in 10 days, and you can transplant them into plastic , cut down soda bottles.
Title: Life Science - Plants and Seeds
Objective or Purpose: To review vocabulary used in the lesson's introduction
Materials: Student journal and word find, seeds, potting soil, aluminum roasting pans.
Activities: Pre-class work, word find, note taking.
Lesson Design Teacher Procedure Student Activities
Anticipatory Set
Journal writing and review comments, questions, and discussions.
Journal activity - Write down in your journal what is a seed? What does it do for the plant? Can we use some seeds as food? Do we consume some seeds within foods?
Listen, and start your journal activity immediately. This activity should be answered completely, given a lot of thought, and must be brought to a conclusion in 6 minutes.
Input and Modeling
Introduce the "stuff needed for success", and show what they need to know.
It needs to be pointed out that the seeds in the plant world are like the eggs in the animal world. Where eggs need to exchange protoplasm to multiply, so do seeds. A fertilized egg in the animal kingdom will produce a baby animal, so does a plant seed need to be fertilized to be able to produce a baby plant. Without this, the species could not maintain itself after one generation.
Listen, see, and take notes.
Guided Practice
Start the word find activity, and show them that there is a hidden phrase left with the remaining words. Do one of the easier finds with the class. Work through the word find of the keywords for the week. Circle the room to assure all students are motivated and on task.
Hear, see, do - The students are to start their word find activity and complete it before the end of the period.
What are the similarities between an egg in the animal kingdom, and a seed in the plant kingdom? If there is time, use a Venn Diagram to show similarities and differences.
Listen to the summary of the day's class, and note what homework is posted for the next class period.
Independent Practice: If you find any seeds that you can use, bring them into class for planting. Be sure to ask permission if the seeds are your families. Bring in plastic containers, or plastic soda bottles for the planting project.
Extension to the lesson:
Duration of the lesson: Approximately 25 minutes.