Meet Josh Jensen of Cincinatti and his 1977 Dynafoil!
I met Josh via the website back in 2005, and soon after, helped him find a Dynafoil. Josh is an avid
watercraft rider and basically, if it goes on the water, Josh has ridden it and mastered it. From powered surf boards
(Surf Jets) to Wetbikes, and now Dynafoils, Josh has been there, done that......and has the T-shirt to prove it.
Josh's Dynafoil came from Santa Rosa, California where it, and another one had been in storage for years.
Josh has done the mechanical restoration and although he had it in the water in 2006, 2007 will really be his first
year of riding the Dynafoil in it's completed and good running condition.
I'm anticipating quite a few action shots!