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The Magic Of the Right

Against the dreaded pengiwa there is neutralizing magic used by priest and witch doctor to protect their client from leyaks, a magic as powerful as that of the witches and consisting af the same element as the magic of the "left" formulas ( mantra ) charms ( serana ), and amulets ( penawar, sikepan, pergolan, tetulak) . Typical charms are " yellow " coconuts, dadap leaves, onions and salt, flowers, rubbings of gold, rain-water that collects in plants, camphor, a lamp burning perfumed oil, twin bananas and twin coconuts, over which a formula is recited. These amulets are often pictures of monsters and fantastically distorted deities, surrounded with cabalistic symbols, drawn on a piece of new white cloth or on a thin plaque of silver or copper, worn at the waist, hung over the house gate or in front of the rice granary. The images drawn on these little flags, called tumbal, may represent the weapons (senyata) of the gods, or may be pictures of Batara Kala, Batara Gana, or curious representations of that intriguing and abstract Balinese divinity Tintiya, known also as Sanghyang Tunggal - the Unthinkable, the Solitary, the Original God. Tintiya appears often in ritual objects in the form of a nude male white figure, bristling with trident-shaped flames emanating from his bead, temples, shoulders, elbows, penis, knees, and feet. His hands are clasped in an attitude of prayer and his right foot rests on a fiery wheel, a tjakra. The Tintiyas used as amulets of magic are fantastically distorted, often in absurd positions, with many heads, or simply Tintiya beads attached to abstract and geometrical shapes. " Rangdas " and monsters of all sorts used as tumbals are aimed to ward off, by sympathetic magic, the ghosts and werewolves that annoy and persecute the Balinese.

The magic formulas of the " right " are most often simple prayers, litanies of names of protective spirits and curses to intimidate and confound the leyaks. The examples here are taken at random from my manuscript of penengen:

"…you of the wicked heart, your eyes be blinded, your hands be paralysed, your feet be useless." (Ih, deriya mata malem, lima langah, batis djodjo.) "…The high and learned who understand the formulas watch Over my body day and night in goodand in bad they watch over me so that I shall not die in my dreams die in health do not be afraid."

(Ne manusa luwih penguruh merta sandi mantra, ngidjing sai, zing awaku " petang lemah, ala-ayu, ane nunggu aku apangede mati ngipi, mati ngawag-ngawag, tan kuwasa molah.)

"…ONG the Original Word, whose brilliance is like the air that fills the sky, a spell is on my house, a great forest surrounded by tigers. A thousand witches bow down to me meekly and fearfully [because] the amulet given to my enemies by the gods is worn out and spoiled…"

(Ong saremula sutedjaniya kad kangin ngibehin akasa tulah tumpur umahku' alas agung matjan mengideriim, lelo tumpurangung siu' leyake membah, sing serana punah pegawen sandelung paweh dewa punah teka punah)

"…Ong ang ung mang ang ah I am sanghyang sukla the Powerful. I descend with the sun and the moon, I am above kala Rahu'. My head-dress has a white diamond and; the gods love me. Sanghyang Tintiya and Sarad Alanik contemplate me parasol is yellow and Brahma admires me. Fire descend Clean' and burn all the devils, burn all the witches burn Banaspati radja burn them all!…"

(Ong, ang ung mang ang Ah Aranku Sanghyang Sukla wisesa tumurun aku' ring Surya amor ring Sanghyang Ulan' anunggang aku kala Rahu', gelunganaku winten petak, sarwa dewa kasih anelengaku Sanghyang Tintiya, wetu Sarad Manik, apayong aku'djenar anelang aku ring Brahma, metu' geni melesat sedjagat, Sekuwihning buta peresel geseng, leyak geseng- Banaspati radja geseng teka geseng…)

In many of these formulas the leyaks demons and even the higher spirit are mercilessly abused and there are often phrase by which the exalted magician places himself on with the gods and even above them. Thus it is easy to understand why the Balinese fear uttering the formulas and why they feel that only the highly- prepared or the naturally magic people like the priests may do so with impunity. Many priest and witch-doctors sincerely believe they possess in themselves powers equal to the spirits', but the ordinary people, Who look in awe at all this hocus-pocus, either buy the amulets already strengthened by formulas of a priest or witch-doctor or always resourceful depend on offerings trances and dramatic exorcizing performances Of plays and dances like the tjalon arang or the sanghyang, when the deities themselves provide the necessary amulets.

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