Excel Basics
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Student Objectives: Define the terms spreadsheet and worksheet; Identify the parts of a worksheet; Move the highlight in the worksheet; Select cells and enter data in the worksheet; Edit cells; Find and Replace data in a worksheet;  Zoom in and out in a worksheet; Save a worksheet; Print a worksheet.

What is Microsoft Excel?
1) It is a spreadsheet application (program or software) used in Office that is used to calculate numbers.

A spreadsheet is....
1) A grid of rows and columns containing numbers, text, and formulas.
2) The purpose of a spreadsheet is to solve problems that involve numbers.

Which occupations (jobs) use spreadsheets?
1) Accountants, Teachers, Bankers, Businessmen.
2) Spreadsheets can be used to calculate grades, prepare a budget, or determine payments to be made in a loan.

What is a worksheet & workbook?
1) Excel uses the term worksheet to refer to computerized spreadsheets.
2) A collection of these worksheets is referred to as a workbook.   A workbook is easily identified by the multiple worksheet pages at the bottom of a worksheet.  Worksheets in a workbook can be named, renamed, added, deleted, copied, cut, etc.

What are the screen elements of Microsoft Excel?
1) Microsoft Excel has some of the basic screen elements as Microsoft Word.
2) The basic screen elements are: the Title bar, the Menu Bar, the Standard Toolbar, the Formatting Toolbar, Status bar, and Scroll bars.
3) The newest screen elements are: the Name Box, Highlight, Column letters, and Row letters.

What is a column?
1) Columns appear vertically and are identified by letters at the top of the window.
2) They are represented by letters.

What is a row?
1) Rows appear horizontally. 
2) In a worksheet they are identified by numbers on the far left side of the worksheet window.

What is a cell?
1) The intersection of a row and column.
2) It is identified by a cell reference, the column letter and row number (for example: C4, A1, B2)

What is the formula bar?
1) Located directly below the toolbar.  It displays text, numbers, and formulas.
2) It also displays a formula when the cell of a worksheet contains a calculated value.

What is the active cell?
1) It is the cell ready for data entry.
2) It contains the highlight, (a dark border around a cell).
3) The column letter and row number of the active cell are bolded for easy reference.

What is the name box?
1) It is located on the far side of the formula bar and identifies the active cell in the cell reference area.

What are the different ways to navigate (move through) through a spreadsheet?
1) By using the mouse to click in the cell you desire (the easiest way).
2) Using the Edit, Go To command (F5) to quickly move to a cell you don't see on the screen.
3) The user may also use the arrow keys on the keyboard, or specialty keys. They are listed below:

To Move Press
Left one column Left arrow
Right one column Right arrow
Up one row Up arrow
Down one row Down arrow
To the 1st cell Home
To cell A1 Ctrl+ Home
To the last cell Ctrl + End
Up one window Page up
Down one window Page Down

What is a range?
1) A range is when a group of cells are selected.  It is when the user selects 2 or more cells.
2) A range is identified by the cell in the upper left corner and the cell in the lower right corner.  It is separated by a colon (for example,

What items can be within a worksheet cell?
1) Worksheet cells may contain text, numbers, formulas or functions.
2) Text consists of alphabetical characters such as headings, labels, or explanatory notes.  Numbers can be values, dates or times.  Formulas are equations that calculate a value.  Functions are special formulas that place either values or characters in cells.

How is data entered into cells?
1) You enter data by keying/typing the text or numbers in a cell and either clicking the Enter button on the formula bar or pressing the Enter on the keyboard.
2) If you make a mistake, choose Edit, Undo to reverse your most recent actions.  You may also choose the "Undo" button on the toolbar.  To undo multiple actions, click the down arrow to the right of the Undo button on the toolbar.  A list of your previous actions will be displayed.

How is data edited in a cell?
1) Editing is performed when only minor changes to cell data are necessary.
2) Data can be edited by pressing the Edit key on the keyboard (F2).
3) The mouse pointer may also be used by clicking in the cell you want to edit; then clicking in the formula bar at the place you want to change the data, then pressing the Enter button.

How is data replaced in a cell?
1) Select the cell, key the new data, and press the Enter button on the formula bar or press Enter on the keyboard.

How is data cleared in a cell?
1) Clearing a cell will empty the cell of all its contents.
2) This can be done several ways: You may either press the Delete or Backspace key on the keyboard, or choose Edit, Clear to delete the contents.

How is data searched using the Find and Replace?
1) The Find command is used to locate data in a worksheet.  It can be used to locate words or parts of words. The command is Edit, Find.
2) The Replace command is an extension of the Find command.  Replacement will substitute new data for data found.

What is Zoom View?
1) Used to magnify or reduce the view of your worksheet.  If you would like a closer view of the worksheet, select a larger percentage and vice versa for a smaller view.
2) Command: Zoom button on Standard toolbar or View, Zoom from the Menu Bar.

How does a user Save a worksheet?
1) Saving is done just as it was done in Microsoft Word.
2) Excel gives all documents a .xls extension at the end of the file. (Example: budget.xls)
3) Command: 1st time to save: File, Save As; Updating saved documents or the 2nd time you save: File, Save or Save button/icon.

How does a user Print a worksheet?
1) Printing a worksheet is similar to printing any document.
2) There are options available to print part of a worksheet, the entire worksheet, or to change the way your worksheet looks.
3) Command: File, Print or Printer button/icon.

A user should view the spreadsheet before printing by using what command?
1) File, Print Preview