Worksheet Formulas
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Student Objectives: Enter and edit formulas; Distinguish between relative, absolute, and mixed cell references; Use the AutoSum button and the point-and-click method of entering formulas; Display formulas in the worksheet; Perform immediate and delayed calculations.

What are formulas?
1) The equations used to calculate values in a cell. (Example: =SUM(A3:A5)

A formula is made up of operands and operators.  What are these?
1) Operands are numbers or cell references used in formulas (Numbers: 3, 26, 200, etc.; Cell reference: A3, D27, Z24, etc.)
2) Operators tells Excel what to do with the operands (Example: Addition (+), Subtraction (-), Multiplication (*), Division (/), Exponential (^)

What are complex formulas?1) Formulas containing more than one operator. 
2) Example: =C3*C4+5.  The two operators are multiplication (*) and addition (+)

What is the "Order of Evaluation"?
1) The sequence used to calculate the value of a formula.
2) Below is a listing of the sequence:
    a) First do Exponentiation     ^
    b) Second do Positive or Negative    + or -
    c) Third do Multiplication or Division  * or /
    d) Fourth do Addition or Subtraction + or -
3) The Order of Evaluation is NOT different from standard mathematical order or evaluation.

How does Excel evaluate formulas?
1) 1st it calculates or evaluates everything inside the parenthesis.
2) Next, any mathematical operators in order of priority (^, + (positive) or - (negative), 
* or /, + (addition) or - (subtraction).
3) Then, equations are evaluated from left to right if 2 or more operators have the same order of operation.

What is the difference between relative cell , absolute cell, and mixed cell references?
1) Relative cell references are cells that adjusts to its new location when copied or moved. (Example: =A3+A4 is copied to B5 and the formula changes to =B3+B4).
2) Absolute cell references do not adjust to the new cell location when copied or moved.  They have dollar signs in the formula. 
(Example: =$A$8+$B$7)
3) Mixed cell references contain both relative and absolute references.

What is the "Point and Click" method of creating formulas?
1) Where the user includes cell references in a formula by clicking on the cell rather than keying the reference. 

All formulas MUST begin with a....
1) Equals sign

What is the AutoSum button?
1) A function formula (preset formula) that us used to add numbers (cells) in a column.
2) Command: Insert, Function or button that looks like the Greek letter sigma.

What is AutoCalculation?
1) Where a calculated amount from worksheet data may be determined before entering a formula.
2) How to do it:  Select range of cells, then right click in the status bar and choose SUM.

How can a user view the formulas as opposed to the values when working in the worksheet area?
1) By choosing Tools, Options, View Tab, then check Formulas.

What are delayed calculations?
1) Delayed calculations are manual calculations (calculations done by hand).  They are not automatic!!
2) These calculations do NOT appear automatically when a formula is entered, but only when the user either presses the F9 key OR chooses Tools, Options, Calculation tab, then Manual.